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Time to revive the reputation filter in multi-play options!

Wed, Mar 25 2015 2:19 PM (34 replies)
  • paulleftypaul
    233 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 8:36 AM

    same here


  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 9:36 AM

    Played a random blitz game last night, the 3 that logged on were all below 60%. Got 3 holes in can you guess what happened?? Yep....  they all had quit. For all the naysayers it's not perfect but it does work. I know it's upsetting when you get booted thru no fault of your own but if you are not a quitter it will always average out.  

  • rpark22
    6 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 10:39 AM

    i think this quit % is just bull ***. who cares if someone quits or not, i don't  finish the game with who is left or not who cares ,,  it's a damn game.

  • Darrell3210
    21 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 12:37 PM

    I don't have an issue with the quit %, what I have a problem with is getting booted (Twice in as many days) and then it won't let me back into the game. Also, if someone else quits it drops my percentage. I don't think that is fair!

    Can someone tell me why there is so many issues with getting booted from Alt. Shot games and not being able to get back in to finish them?? Just wondering if I am the only one having this issue.

    Thanks! Darrell

    10 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 12:45 PM

    Don't you guys see what is happening here ?

    Most of us don't even know each other (like Facebook in a way).  We all started playing WGT because someone inducted us or told us about how great the game WAS and it was a beautiul game, great graphics, game engine and gamers' community.  I still remember all the fellowship around the rounds.  I still remember that one would laugh at someones quit until SOMETHING WEIRD started happening in the system.  WGT claims that since the launch of one of the latter versions of Flash most players began to suffer sudden disconnections fom games, game freeze, and other NEW problems not so bad before.  And now, to make it even worse YOUR REPUTATION is public with the % shown, as if you were "ONE OF THOSE QUITERS".  Let's face it :  A quiter is a really bad player who quits after a really bad shot, not someone who is winning with a hudge adventange against his closer adversary, performs a beutiful, near perfect shot and .... BUM ! ... GAME FREEZE.  Some of you, a tiny portion of this virtual community claim and enjoy to have perfect connections, never get game freez and never quit games, but A LOT OF GAMERS are simply running away and closing their accounts due to technical problems.  WGT is the only game-site that I can remember causing this type of stress among players, even causing the disapearence of FELLOWSHIP among them, as today everyone is mad at someone else due to this WGT problems.

  • MBassador
    77 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 2:55 PM


    I then got the unexpected error message close the window and try again later only to find that on the next game my % is cut indicating  am a quitter.

    Did you attempt to go back in & finish the game solo, or were you prohibited from doing so by the system?  If the system didn't stop you & you decided not to finish alone, then you did quit. If it wouldn't let you, you should email wgt about the issue with all the details you have about it.

    I'm not saying anyone is making anything up. Reading the forum, it appears that everyone is getting booted by wgt, & I personally have only seen it once since this % started, & I went back in & finished. Maybe we're just hearing about the bootings more because people are afraid of appearing as "quitters" because of it. If you're getting booted out 3 times or not being let back in to finish the game, tell wgt that here in the forums & in an email w/ as many details as you can muster. Send bug reports first, then email away. I'm not seeing people saying that is what's happening, though it may be indeed.  I see a lot of people saying they were booted, but can't think of one who said they couldn't get back in, hard as they tried. Again, I'm not there, so I don't know what is happening, but if this many people are being booted & not allowed back in to finish with who's left or alone, then wgt has a huge problem on their hands, forgetting the % altogether.  If indeed they are being booted & just moving on without going back in, then they are quitting.

    First: I have never ever quit a game. Neither my regular partner since Disconnect % was introduced. But my % is down in the 80'ies, which is almost entirely due to reoccurring wgt glitches and a very rare connection problem at my end. I have however tried to get back in a lot of times after wgt booted me, just as I did before the Disconnect %,  and many times without success, allthough I did all the usual refreshing etc. If I should report every time this occurred, frankly I wouldn't have much time for playing and I would most likely be known by wgt admins as Grumpy.  

    I don't like to be labeled unfairly. As long as it doesn't represent my intentional behavior, this is a very indiscriminating tool causing suspicion and mistrust. I'd rather deal with the occasional quitter myself than have to start any new acquaintance on those premises.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 7:24 AM

    2 fellow CC members and I finished a round, finished being the imperative word, a COMPLETE nine hole match.  I logged out, turned out the laptop, come back on a few hours later, and WGT informs me that I forfeited?  WTH?  Scorecard was complete, we had said our goodbyes, etc... WGT even asked if we wanted a rematch.  Now, how is NOT  a completion?


    I agree it seems odd that this is not treated as a completion. However, if you think of it in terms of WGT's programming, the system still thinks of you as 'in that match' as it's offering you the chance to repeat play ("rematch") with the same settings and opponents as before. As the system considers it, you're still in those same parameters. So, if you just close the browser, or shut down your computer, basically do anything other than go back to Main Menu, it still thinks you're somehow engaged in that same game. 

    We noticed this in a community tourney recently, where we had to ask all players to pause long enough before starting a new round, to allow everyone to get screenshots of the scorecards, and get back to Main Menu so that no-one's reputation was affected.

    Golden rule: ALWAYS GO BACK TO MAIN MENU before any participating player restarts a new game.


    Re: the OP's original request... Yes, I totally second that. Reputation filter in game options would be great.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 3:44 PM

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, gmaster007

    I would love to give a detailed response to the subject of this thread, but I don't want to ruin the surprise ;)

    Don't get your hopes up, but we plan on announcing some news about this feature during the upcoming Chat with MisterWGT (check out the thread about the chat here). There are WGT eyes on this thread, and many others that are providing feedback, so keep it coming.

    The game completion percentage feature does need revisiting. Consider this our official recognition of that fact.

    Since the release, we promised to grow this (and any other feature) to the specifications of the feedback received by our community. We will accomplish this, in time, and we thank you for being patient  :)


    Stay classy,


  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 3:57 PM

    Yeah lmao, hows about fixing the continue button when wgt bugs boot you. This has been problem since i can remember. But won't fix nothing, just keep coming out with expensive balls and stupid sht. Would be very nice to fix some of the on going problems this site has had forever. You think????????????


  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 4:10 PM


    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, gmaster007

    I would love to give a detailed response to the subject of this thread, but I don't want to ruin the surprise ;)

    Don't get your hopes up, but we plan on announcing some news about this feature during the upcoming Chat with MisterWGT (check out the thread about the chat here). There are WGT eyes on this thread, and many others that are providing feedback, so keep it coming.

    The game completion percentage feature does need revisiting. Consider this our official recognition of that fact.

    Since the release, we promised to grow this (and any other feature) to the specifications of the feedback received by our community. We will accomplish this, in time, and we thank you for being patient  :)


    Stay classy,

    -WGTpizza to the scoring system we go, Silver, awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!