hoobiethehacker:2 fellow CC members and I finished a round, finished being the imperative word, a COMPLETE nine hole match. I logged out, turned out the laptop, come back on a few hours later, and WGT informs me that I forfeited? WTH? Scorecard was complete, we had said our goodbyes, etc... WGT even asked if we wanted a rematch. Now, how is NOT a completion?
I agree it seems odd that this is not treated as a completion. However, if you think of it in terms of WGT's programming, the system still thinks of you as 'in that match' as it's offering you the chance to repeat play ("rematch") with the same settings and opponents as before. As the system considers it, you're still in those same parameters. So, if you just close the browser, or shut down your computer, basically do anything other than go back to Main Menu, it still thinks you're somehow engaged in that same game.
We noticed this in a community tourney recently, where we had to ask all players to pause long enough before starting a new round, to allow everyone to get screenshots of the scorecards, and get back to Main Menu so that no-one's reputation was affected.
Golden rule: ALWAYS GO BACK TO MAIN MENU before any participating player restarts a new game.
Re: the OP's original request... Yes, I totally second that. Reputation filter in game options would be great.