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Changes to the FAQ - Averages/Tier

Thu, Jan 3 2013 3:32 PM (131 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 1:49 PM

    no need for apologies .. we are merely debating furiously over an issue where the lines remain crossed .. much to my consternation i might add ..

    Thank you very much for responding with class. I completely understand your disposition, along with the other posters who have described having similar experiences.

    I don't think I made this very clear, or at least I'm sure I haven't made a post specifically highlighting this fact, so here goes:

    We hear you on this subject. We really do. I have my own opinion, the company has their own opinion, and our community has several different opinions. It is my duty to make sure that the direction of the company is congruent with the community's request, whenever possible.

    I made sure this situation has the attention of the company, and believe me when I say: changes are coming.

    If you think the debates in the forums get heated, I wish you could be a fly on the wall in one of our department meetings ;)

    Many battles were fought, lives were lost, villages plundered and destroyed, but after all the smoke cleared, I believe the community will rise victorious from this battlefield. There will be much more on this subject during the upcoming chat with MisterWGT so I can't go in to further detail than this: Changes are coming in the community's favor. Make sure to tune in to that chat to learn more about what we are doing with this feature in the near future.


    Stay classy,


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 1:49 PM

    I will agree that the apparent sample size for moving a person up seems to be too small. I have no idea what the actual sample size is, or what the actual algorithm is.

    I do know that developing an algorithm that detects every aspect of a cheating pattern is hard to do. The human brain is much better at spotting such patterns. WGT should continue to develop the algorithms, but they should also assign someone to just visually check out the top umpty percent of big winners. Something look suspicious? OK, just keep an eye on that bird.

    Deliberately misinforming the customers is not a good move. Deliberately misinforming the employees that inform the customers is not a good move, either.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 1:56 PM

    "We don't care if we sacrifice some innocent, as long as we catch some guilty."

    Would you admit that this sentiment can be skewed by information, or rather lack thereof? If you knew that more "guilty" were being"caught" than "innocent", would you feel differently?

    We don't have the math to back this up, but based on my personal experiences I can say that I have seen MUCH more of the "guilty" being caught, rather than the "innocent" being prematurely moved up in tier. This is not to say this doesn't happen, but I must point out that no one really knows the ratio of this equation.

    Like I said, changes are coming to this feature, so be sure to tune in to the upcoming chat with MisterWGT to learn more :)


    Stay classy,


    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:00 PM


    We hear you on this subject. We really do. I have my own opinion, the company has their own opinion, and our community has several different opinions. It is my duty to make sure that the direction of the company is congruent with the community's request, whenever possible.

    I made sure this situation has the attention of the company, and believe me when I say: changes are coming.

    Thank you.

    1,141 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:15 PM

    HEY .pizza

    just a thought i had a few weeks ago.. while reading one of these threads..

    Do u think there could be a way... say for some that never wanna play from the tips. an never play for creds anyway. to have like an option to contact WGT to be LOCK'D,, at say master or tour master .. which would allow them to stay at that tier, BUT never be able to play for creds ? 

    prolly a dum idea... just wunder'd 




  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:19 PM

    to have like an option to contact WGT to be LOCK'D,, at say master or tour master .. which would allow them to stay at that tier, BUT never be able to play for creds ? 

    While I understand your idea, I think it goes against a lot of systems we currently have in place, and constantly update, to ensure that tiers accurately represent the player's skill level (example: the feature in question in this thread)

    This suggestion, in my opinion, would require a permanent, non-reversible switch on a player's account (we couldn't have people locking+unlocking whenever they want), and what would happen if someone regrets the decision or changes their mind? That's a loss of a player.

    If nothing, I am honest: I don't think this suggestion would fly  :)


    Stay classy,


    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:19 PM


    We don't have the math to back this up, but based on my personal experiences I can say that I have seen MUCH more of the "guilty" being caught, rather than the "innocent" being prematurely moved up in tier. This is not to say this doesn't happen, but I must point out that no one really knows the ratio of this equation

    True. I can only speak from what I see and most of my games are "friendlies" against friends and never include credits. So I'm only saying how this affects people like them (I already made it to the "now almost" top before the change). I'm sure you caught a lot of people. I personally think such drastic measures were implemented just so the guilty get caught before they could adapt. I also think this may have been the reason why we were all kept in the dark for a while. But I bet that by now most of them were either caught or switched to skins challenge in time (might be worth trying to do something about that as well). So I hope these changes you're promising will either take free games out of the equasion or at least tone it down a notch.

    Would you admit that this sentiment can be skewed by information, or rather lack thereof? If you knew that more "guilty" were being"caught" than "innocent", would you feel differently?

    Maybe I would, but I shouldn't.


    I just want to add this. If baggers only start beating on lower tiers in challenge games, the current system won't punish them, so it in fact only "protects" legends and we are the ones that need protection the least. The fact we made it here shows we have enough skill and experience to spot bad apples and either take'em on or not. Less experienced players can't do that. They are the ones that need protecting, not us. I'm a grown man, I can fend for myself.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:27 PM

    I just want to add this. If baggers only start beating on lower tiers in challenge games, the current system won't punish them, so it in fact only "protects" legends and we are the ones that need protection the least.

    Bottom line - if someone tries to "sandbag", or purposely maintain a lower tier in order to misrepresent their skill, this feature will identify these actions and adjust the player's tier to match their skill level.


    Stay classy,


  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:35 PM

    for mr pizza.

    I have six games to play all mp, all non credit. all against legends or tour legends. I was a TM last night and played one game, one game yes? just one against a legend and now Im a legend. I won it and feel i should of caved and let the other player win. theres no incentive for people like me to take part like that other bloke said above about cc tornies against different tiers


    So. i now have six games against the above to play, which have to be done this month, whilst learning to play a new game from the new tees you dumped on me.

    anyone with reading skills could look at all my junk and see im no sandbagger. except you people at pizza land

    Gee thanks.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 2:42 PM

    Gee thanks.

    Congratulations on earning your new tier! Yes, moving up in tiers is difficult. This has been the case as long as I can remember, and the fact that this system identified you as performing at a "Legend" skill level means I'm sure you will have no problem adapting.

    No one is implying that you are sandbagging. You just consistently displayed a skill level higher than your current tier, so you were moved up faster than those who perform at a skill level equal to their current tier. If you need help or advice about playing at your new tier, these forums are filled with relevant information.


    Stay classy,
