processor .. intel pentium R duel CPU E2 180 @ 2.00 GHz 2.00 GHz
Memory .. (Ram) 3062 mb
system .. 32 bit operating system
i have an integrated graphic's card .... windows vista.. 2008 HP
have had a new hard drive upgrade ..couple monthes ago... i get an occasional vizit from PORKY .. play in comodo dragon .. with yahoo msnger going and WGT forums open.. but i'd say ..smooth meter 99% of the time
little story... i had a horse i had trained from a colt and had been winning on for over ten 10 years ... well at this one rodeo i let a friends son rope off him.. an he won the event ... of which the horse owner usually gets 25%...(standard mount money) ... anyway when he came over to the trailer with his DAD....he said he wanted to know if i would sell him.... SO i thought a second an threw out a number ,,, i figured that would be high enough to scare em away...
but ..his DAD... never blink'd said i'l be right back...
went home without my horse that night... but with one BIG DAM GRIN... :)
so anywho.. i wanted to buy a nice computer since everybody had one but didn't know crap about em..Well after going to several places i wound up at ...umm.. WALLY WORLD
Decided i would just hang out and watch some the younger gamer's .. and ask a few what they used.. or what they were checkin out..
Sure enuf .. met a cool young dude.. knew more computer lingo than i could comprehend,, but pointed me towards just what he thought would do for me ..
i appreciate him to this day... .. and as for the horse... he carry'd that kid to qualify for the world high school finals the next two year's his lil brother is learning on him... and has got it made in the shade..
really enjoy learning stuff from threads like these... from the NON condescending ,respectful ones that is :)

SLIDER ... in action .. an 1 happy kid