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porky pig meter & other issues

Thu, Nov 8 2012 7:32 AM (89 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 1:15 PM

    Which of the 3 processors listed do you have?

    He has this chipset of that cpu model :)

    Chipset   Intel G31 Chipset w/ICH7R


    Stay classy,


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 1:23 PM


    He has this chipset of that cpu model :)

    Chipset   Intel G31 Chipset w/ICH7R

    Sorry, that is not a processor but a I/O controllers and whatnots that work with a CPU.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 1:31 PM

    Sorry, that is not a processor but a I/O controllers and whatnots that work with a CPU.

    Ahh yes, that is correct. I'm getting my wires crossed. We only have the brand and the chipset. Let us know, Hyena64 :)


    Stay classy,


  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 1:50 PM

    Ahh yes, that is correct. I'm getting my wires crossed. We only have the brand and the chipset. Let us know, Hyena64 :)


    Just my 2 cents worth, not that it means much.

    But as I said before, computer hardware (model, chipset, etc) I believe play an important role on how the computer operates.

    For example, I have done about everything here on my end to decrease memory footprint and improve performance.  Thus, on a fresh install of my xp-pro o/s memory requirements are 65 MB.   Running only 13 processes with all the drivers up todate.

    It would be interesting to cross reference hardware, vs game play ability to see if there is a common root to a problem.

    Secondly, one would need to check on how the computer is configured also, startup, processes, etc, and software installed to see if there some commonality.

    Computers can be finicky, (they have a personality sort of speak).  However, as of late my meter is not bad, as long as I take my time, which is most important.



  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 3:56 PM

    Say it's on the user end all you like and I wlll say yes, it's on the user end because the game is incompatible to run on a modern day computer and that can only mean one thing in the land of the GHz processor...

    While this information is not true, you are welcome to your own opinion. As stated several times (not to mention proved in this thread), proper configuration and maintenance will provide a near-flawless WGT experience :)


    Stay classy,


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 4:52 PM

    Ignorance abounds, magnified by personal animosity. I have described how you can prove that an internet connection, fast or slow, is not required for the swing. Yes, your internet connection can affect your swing, ADVERSELY, if you allow it to come into play during your swing.

    I realize my technical qualifications are subject to question because I posted a diatribe about how news organizations scare ordinary people into taking unneeded actions when they should be concentrating on facts that will inform people who actually NEED to take actions.

    This makes huge amounts of sense, of course. (Roll eyes)  It's the "Piss me off, you don't know shoot" syndrome.