hyena64:I just think again; if you study those that work & find the commonality in them, more people can be helped to enjoy the game as I do, if they agree & are able to do what's necessary that is.
You nailed it, sir. You guys experience WGT from the player's side - take it from someone who experiences WGT from the side of assisting the community: The answers are out there. Success in playing WGT with little or no technical problems relies mostly on the initiative of the player.
It's important to recognize that there isn't a plague of people who are having technical problems with WGT - there is a plague of people who are not willing to spend the time and effort to attempt to correct their problem.
I say this without any sort of malice - I too am human. I am lazy and even scared in regards to trying new things outside of my comfort level. I completely understand the reason for the many players we have that experience technical issues. This aspect of the community will NEVER go away, simply because it is human nature and we get new players every day who bring this nature to our community. It is our duty as a community to educate our current members, as well as introduce new members to the nuances of WGT membership.
I feel we are heading in this direction as a community now, so let's keep this movement going and we will grow exponentially as a healthy community, with members virtually free of any technical difficulty! (here's hoping) =P
hyena64:Since my equipment isn't even up to par, & the computer is doing multiple things while I play, what's left? Is it the XP over the 7; is it the internet speed; is it blind freaking luck; what IS IT?
It's not as simple as one answer. Your machine is operating in a way that is conducive to Flash Browser gaming. The question should remain: "What is preventing other players from having the same experience as Hyena64?"
This answer is different for EVERY machine out there, so until the individual decides to help their situation by contacting our support team or asking for help on the forums, we will never know.
Stay classy,