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Practice feature fixed forever..

Wed, Nov 21 2012 5:42 PM (54 replies)
  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 4:09 PM

    Add a "mulligan" option anywhere, anytime, for solo practice rounds.  Done.

    WGT would sell so many freakin' balls it would get comical.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 4:20 PM


    Add a "mulligan" option anywhere, anytime, for solo practice rounds.  Done.

    WGT would sell so many freakin' balls it would get comical.

    So to clarify, could you present a situation where a player would want to use the "mulligan button"?


    Stay classy,


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 4:36 PM

    This could be big , So many ways to set your self up and try different shots .

    + 1  from OPY   iaaRft

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 4:42 PM

    WGTpizza- Solo practice round that does not count for average. Player hits an errant shot and wants to try it again. Or player wants to try different shots from the same situation (for example, flop, chip, punch, pitch from the same spot in a bunker). Program a Mulligan button so the player can hit the same shot again. Every shot still counts against the ball life so you'll be selling a ton of golf balls to willing customers who use the feature to learn and improve.

    In real life that is what the pros do during practice rounds before tournaments so putting such a feature in the game adds realism while increasing revenue for the company.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 5:18 PM

    Every shot still counts against the ball life so you'll be selling a ton of golf balls to willing customers who use the feature to learn and improve.

    Very interesting suggestion. I have made the WGT execs aware of it :)


    Stay classy,


  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 5:59 PM

    Maybe even implement 'driving Range" balls in the Pro shop just for this specific use. Could even be a little cheaper then your regular balls. How about having a bucket of Range balls (20-30 a bucket) that you can purchase in the Pro shop for say 15-20 credits.

    That way more people would not think twice about the cost for practice purposes.




  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 6:10 PM

    Very interesting suggestion. I have made the WGT execs aware of it :)


    I'll be blood is passing this on!!!


    (we've been asking for it for a long  time:) )

    I should have kept driving into the city...I'd have bought YOU the beer;)

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 6:12 PM

    Can I have Ice Cream ?

    OPY iaaRft

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 6:31 PM

    Very interesting suggestion. I have made the WGT execs aware of it :)

    An exceptionally classy thing to do indeed.