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Practice feature fixed forever..

Wed, Nov 21 2012 5:42 PM (54 replies)
  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 9:59 PM


    Maybe they could implement a 4 shots maximum from the same location.

    I'd be happy with one. Plus, you're only getting to hit that mulligan with the then current conditions.

    I don't see the best scores dropping drastically so I don't see a need to put a limit on them. Scores at the very top will only marginally be affected as the true cream has already risen to the top. What this will do is bring more people into the mix at the higher levels. That will definitely make tournaments more competitive.

    As for limits on Mulligans, though, no matter how many times a person practices a shot they are still going to have to hit hit it that one time when it counts against real competition.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 6:18 AM


    Range should have a chipping grenn as well.


    Wouldn't need a chipping green, driving range, or putting green.  Just drop another ball and go.  Saves WGT designers tons of space/time, still teaches us what we want to learn, and most importantly for WGT..........likely quadruples the sale of balls.  

    If that alone isn't enough incentive, then I can't help WGT keep growing and further monetize it's repeat clientele.

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 9:49 PM


    As for limits on Mulligans, though, no matter how many times a person practices a shot they are still going to have to hit hit it that one time when it counts against real competition.

    That's a great point srellim. BUT now we know (after hitting the shot 50 times one RIGHT after the other) exactly how it plays.

    And before someone says "but it won't be the same wind direction etc. when they are in a real game." It doesn't matter. It doesn't even have to be the same hole. All it needs to be is close to that yardage and elevation. That's assuming the player knows how the wind is going to effect the shot.

    I can honestly see a mulligan option taking at least a stroke or two off my 9 hole round total if I'm faced with one or two of those "guess" shots. Why? Because there's several circumstances I can think of where I'm uncertain. So if I could create those same circumstances in practice mode, with a mulligan option, I'd no longer be uncertain or guessing when faced with that similar shot in any ranked round.

    Make sense? It does to me lol


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 12:14 AM

    It makes sense but I guess my answer would be, "So what?" By your own admission unlimited Mulligans in practice will allow you to take the "guess" out of one or two shots per nine holes. Isn't that exactly what a lot of practice is supposed to do? Your average might drop by two to four shots but exactly why is that a problem?

    Your consistency would obviously improve but again, why is that a problem? The added consistency would be something you earned.

    The opportunity to use the feature would be uniform across the board for everyone. The same people you are competitive with now at your competitive level would most likely be improving right alongside of you. Those who don't will get left behind and you will find yourself competing with those who are already a little better than you but don't improve. 

    The biggest impact would be with lower tiers and those who approach this game seriously, just the same as in real life . Those people would learn the game and improve quicker resulting in a better overall WGT experience.

    I honestly don't see the sense in forcing someone who is focused on practicing a particular shot to exit the game and have to waste the time and shots to put the ball back in that position every five shots or so. 

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 5:23 AM


    I honestly don't see the sense in forcing someone who is focused on practicing a particular shot to exit the game and have to waste the time and shots to put the ball back in that position every five shots or so. 

    I'm still on the pro side of mulligans. But giving us yet another tool to keep lowering the scoring without making another aspect more challenging tends to make the game stale.

    A compromise would to add mulligans when they implement uneven lies.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 5:25 AM

    The biggest impact would be with lower tiers and those who approach this game seriously, just the same as in real life . Those people would learn the game and improve quicker resulting in a better overall WGT experience.

    Excellent point. This goes to making the game fan base stronger, too. Win, win for everybody.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 5:32 AM

    The way I see it, this is supposed to be as realistic a game as we can get compared to real golf.  It emulates most situations VERY well, but not all.  Most of us logical people understand it is still a glorified video game.

    - Golfers can actually practice the same shot over and over again on a course.

    - Outworking your opponents at ANY level will outperform them over time.  If you are worried about your competition catching you, outwork them.

    - We wouldn't have to wait a month to have a rare situation pop up again.  When you only do something once a month, or once a week, you aren't usually going to get very good at it.

    Again, this is just something to suggest to WGT.  It's ultimately up to them.  I don't care much one way or the other.  What I do know is if you present something to them that helps us but also helps them generate revenue, you have a much better chance of getting your idea through.

    And, above all the complaints and temper fits we've thrown, this one seems to me to carry the most benefit, monetarily, for WGT.  This actually creates a new revenue stream for them where one didn't exist before.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 5:34 AM

    This actually creates a new revenue stream for them where one didn't exist before.

    Especially if they decide to sell them in the Pro Shop.  10 mulligans for 100 credits. That might get their attention. :-)


    (BTW, Chop-you liking what Syracuse did this weekend?)  :-D

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 6:14 AM


    Especially if they decide to sell them in the Pro Shop.  10 mulligans for 100 credits. That might get their attention. :-)

    Oh no !!! I was praying nobody would  say this !

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 6:41 AM



    Especially if they decide to sell them in the Pro Shop.  10 mulligans for 100 credits. That might get their attention. :-)

    Oh no !!! I was praying nobody would  say this !

