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Practice feature fixed forever..

Wed, Nov 21 2012 5:42 PM (54 replies)
  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 7:11 PM

    Certainly not the newest suggestion,  but must say,  it's the first response from WGT on it that seems promising.



  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 7:29 AM


    This could be big , So many ways to set your self up and try different shots .

    + 1  from OPY   iaaRft

    Bring it on.

  • bluescouse
    1,185 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 7:59 AM

    The brick wall I am sitting next to is currently considering the mulligan option that I (and many others) have mentioned numerous times down the years.

    The ostrich has taken its head out of the sand to give it some thought.

    The irresistible force and the immovable object have set up a meeting to discuss it in more detail.

    That just leaves WGT!


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 8:06 AM

    Related question on the subject. Let's say WGT says OK and puts that in practice, single player  mode only. Everybody gets to do their thing with it. How do you think that would affect competition? Would it make the better players better at the same time it's making average players better? Bring more competition into the tournaments? Lower scores? Allow gamers to perfect their charts?

    Interesting to think about.  :-)


  • bluescouse
    1,185 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 8:14 AM

    Appreciate all those comments Jim, but rather than going through all the issues again here, and therefore allowing WGT yet more wriggle room, I would urge all would-be contributors to  this thread to click on the links supplied by Jimbo on the first page which clearly demonstrate that the whole subject has been thoroughly addressed ad infinitum.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 8:54 AM

    You're right but I'm not talking about the issues. I think we all know there probably won't be this feature but nobody has every really talked about how it would actually affect the overall complexion here in terms of competition. 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 9:19 AM


    Related question on the subject. Let's say WGT says OK and puts that in practice, single player  mode only. Everybody gets to do their thing with it. How do you think that would affect competition? Would it make the better players better at the same time it's making average players better? Bring more competition into the tournaments? Lower scores? Allow gamers to perfect their charts?

    Interesting to think about.  :-)


    Valid points, but...

    The top players probably know what shot to hit, even the "gamers" can get it right on some attempt, and file it anyway..

    I'm all for the average player getting better using this option.

    For me personally, it might give a second/third option for a shot I hadn't tried before or a "what if I dinged it" shot.



  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 2:04 PM

    Here's one situation where a Mulligan option would be extremely valuable and could lead to a product rental while testing and possibly an additional club sale by WGT. At the same time the player would be spending extra hits on golf balls.

  • Jimbo555
    158 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 2:24 PM


    I'm all for the average player getting better using this option.

    For me personally, it might give a second/third option for a shot I hadn't tried before or a "what if I dinged it" shot.

    Just like IRL, depending on who you're playing with.  Throw down an extra ball on that pitch shot that you wish you carried a few yards more ( just to see how it turned out)

    Whether or not multiple shots from the same spot, by the average player, will make him better...well it should.  So before you know it everyone will  be a Tour Legend.

    Looks like the only way it would work would be limit the # of mulligans per hole / round or to pay for them. (also not a new suggestion)   Or create a "Practice Only"  course (once again not new)

    How about the pick a hole option be extended to include the CTTH courses?  That way if you find a type of shot you'd like to practice you could easily select one of them.  Most CTTH contests are Random Drawing...

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 2:34 PM

    The pros do it on practice rounds of the course they're are playing that week. If they're allowed than by God we should be too!

    I'd love to have the option. But has YJ eluded too I believe the scores would plummet even further.

    Imagine hitting the same shot again and again and again. Instead of hitting it, hitting it back down the fairway the wrong way, rinse repeat.

    Maybe they could implement a 4 shots maximum from the same location.