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Practice feature fixed forever..

Wed, Nov 21 2012 5:42 PM (54 replies)
  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 2:34 PM


    WGTpizza- Solo practice round that does not count for average. Player hits an errant shot and wants to try it again. Or player wants to try different shots from the same situation (for example, flop, chip, punch, pitch from the same spot in a bunker). Program a Mulligan button so the player can hit the same shot again. Every shot still counts against the ball life so you'll be selling a ton of golf balls to willing customers who use the feature to learn and improve.

    In real life that is what the pros do during practice rounds before tournaments so putting such a feature in the game adds realism while increasing revenue for the company.

    Not just common sense...... but absolutely brilliant as well. If WGT don't go with this one, providing it's practical to do, then I despair

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 2:51 PM

    Sorry for getting back so late.  And, I know it's been discussed forever.....I searched it a long while back when I was a "newer" player.

    For me, personally, there aren't a lot of shots I'd use this feature for.  However, there are still a few.  Road Hole bunker, for example.  I'd like to hit a few different types of shots in there and what the effects of how the ball comes out instead of having to wait until next month when I finally hit another in there on accident.  A "mulligan button" would allow me to intentionally put a shot in the bunker and hit a flop, push button, hit a pitch, push the button, hit a punch, and eventually see how the ball comes out each time to determine for the future which is my better default shot type.

    This feature would be more for the newest players here.  Those that don't know how to hit a flop or a pitch and are afraid to try in ranked play with friends or whatever.  Those guys are out there.  I used to be one.

    Yes, it would affect scoring downward, and I know the common complaint here is that scores are unrealistically low.  But, we are all striving for perfection and he who practices most will be the best most of the time.

    I remember one of my favorite golf commercials of the early 2000's.  Tiger Woods drove a golf cart up to a slope that looked like the inside corner of BPB's #6 dogleg, took out a bucket of practice balls, and just flung them from the bucket into the gunch.  He grabbed a wedge and just went to work hitting them out individually.

    I still wish I'd seen that commercial when I was 9 years old and playing everyday.  I'd have immediately implemented that into my practice.

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 3:26 PM


    This feature would be more for the newest players here.  Those that don't know how to hit a flop or a pitch and are afraid to try in ranked play with friends or whatever.  Those guys are out there.  I used to be one.

    Well in that case, I will include myself in the bracket you mention above mate. TM my backside.... I'm very much still learning, with bunkers, tricky rough shots and long distance putts, to name but a few things ! For those who wouldn't benefit from this feature, then you are on a level most of us can only aspire to.

    There are many levels of competance in this game, between the bottom and the top. Yes please WGT, if only for us who are still learning the game !

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 5:04 PM

    I hope I didn't come off condescending.  I only meant that I likely wouldn't use it all that much.  Not that I have the game mastered, I feel, though, that I would have to come across the shot on the course and remember to get back and practice it.........much like real life golfers do.  And, I may shock myself with how much I want to use mulligans.  

    I can tell you this much....I am in the process of switching my default ball.  And, I'm all jacked up right now with my distances.  

    Just a simple shot of sitting in a fairway at 100yds and 150yds with a few different winds would do quick wonders for me with a mulligan feature.  And, these are Callies I'm playing, too, kind of upper-middle of the road.  That could add up over the Thanksgiving weekend......................hmmm.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 5:05 PM

    this should be mentioned in the "questions for MrWGT chat session" thread .. if it hasn't already been done ..

    i would definitely use a function like this around the green for pitch- & bunker shots since i pretty much flop everything inside 20 yds from the rough or sand right now ..

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 3:40 AM


    I hope I didn't come off condescending.

    No worries mate, I knew what you meant. I just feel strongly that the number of players this would be a huge benefit to.... would far outnumber those who it wouldn't. As WGT Pizza has already responded earlier, I'm hoping this thread catches his eye and he can take it further, with the powers that be.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 8:10 AM

    I just feel strongly that the number of players this would be a huge benefit to.... would far outnumber those who it wouldn't. 

    Absolutely agreed.  Just responding to more experienced players wondering how it would affect competition at the higher levels.  Meh...I'm coming off like I'm arguing semantics here.  We all agree it would be a great benefit to players AND WGT alike.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 8:18 AM

    Maybe they could implement a 4 shots maximum from the same location.

    I'd be happy with one. Plus, you're only getting to hit that mulligan with the then current conditions.

  • Benny33
    11 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 7:34 PM

    Range should have a chipping grenn as well.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 9:48 PM

    Benny33- the discussion is about WGT creating a Mulligan option in solo practice games. No practice range or practice green would be necessary. Hit the ball into a chipping situation and use the Mulligan feature to practice the shot. The same with drives, putts or any other shot in the game.