A point proven. And again, I can't repeat myself enough, I don't justify anything, I just paint a picture of what the world looks like (according to me at least). Don't shoot the messenger.
Kelsey12:I'm not understanding your reasoning here Rock - attractive people
shouldn't post pictures of themselves on their profile? Because it
invites rude behavior?
If they are bothered by people "stalking" them, yes, they could remove their picture to solve the problem. Again, remember, some guys need very little provocation. And again, again, I don't justify it. I just analyze how things work.
Who gets harassed earlier, the good looking young women or the ugly fat ....
I know the answer to that question. Do I think that's ok or agree with harassment in any way ? No i don't, but that doesn't change the facts.
Girls, grow up, it's an angry world out there and there are jerks everywhere, even on wgt.