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Changes to the Elite Collection - Customize your WGT experience

Tue, Jan 3 2017 5:14 PM (172 replies)
    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 11:53 AM

    Of course if WGT wants to totally lose whatever remains on their reputation, they may track, ban, or do whatever else to such players (if they are legally allowed to do so which I doubt).

    They are. When we signed up, we all had to agree to the T & C and from what I've read, they reserve the right to disable anyone's account without giving any reasons for it. So, the only question is, will they?

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:02 PM

     I have no idea what the going rate for this is but I assume it is under 50%.


    Well, one of the top players has openly advertized his exchange rate is twice what WGT gives you (1$ will get you 200 credits). I know of some who do it for 3 times the value even. Still a much better return than 6 to 1 that WGT gave those top guys with the 500$ gift card and 6,6 to 1 with the 250$ one. Although I don't expect WGT will do anything about it, the impact to their pocket will hardly be big enough.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:07 PM

    WGTPizza has played 10 ranked rounds.

  • Jetflyby
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:14 PM

    This game really screw's up all the time. In the middle of the round it hangs and then says you did not return on time so the game is over. This seems to happen a lot, so maybe toy should look into what causes this and do a patch for it. 

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 1:12 PM


    If you are an elite player who is playing only to cash in your credits for a round of golf, an amazon gift card, etc. then the changes in the Elite collection probably suck for you, however if you are like 99% of the WGT players, those prizes mean nothing to you and you don't care what the fuss is about.

    Although I'm not an elite player, I don't think anyone is playing ONLY for cashing in - come on, somebody somewhere in the forums estimated the best possible "earnings rate per hour" which is a joke even if you're a super-tour-legend... There are a number of factors - fun of playing itself, thrill of competition, fun of winning, but of course also ability to convert those credits to something useful, even if small - which wouldn't have to be monetary - it could actually be something like voting power in some WGT decisions, like buying "stocks". I actually would have been quite in favor of caps/shirts/towels, even if WGT branded, if they come at a reasonable price like 10-30k credits (let's say 6 times their value), but they definitely shouldn't have come INSTEAD of gift cards and real sets of clubs that were probably the only practically attainable (even if for <1% of players) and useful items...

    Edit: as a side note, if playing could be made more fun by things like new courses and new realistic conditions, prize motivation could play a lesser role, but few advances happened on that front recently...

  • TarheelsRule
    5,566 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 8:36 PM

    I agree, if offered at a reasonable rate I would cash in some of my credits for WGT items, balls,hats, shirts, etc.   However since WGT can sell virtual items that cost nothing for a fairly high price, I would not think that hats costing $10 to acquire would go for under $100.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 11:40 PM

    You have to look at the basic business model behind the Elite Collection.

    First, the sale of virtual equipment and virtual balls is based on the Gillette model. They are happy to take money for the equipment, but mostly it is the balls that pay off, just as Mr Gillette was happy to practically give away a fancy razor so long as the customer had to come back to him for the blades - which was where the money was made. Similar with cheap printers/copiers and expensive toner.

    The main business model at work here in the case of the Elite Collection is the Roach Motel model: the credits check in but they don't check out. They check in either at full face value (when you buy credits) or at some negotiated discount (when you get credits for watching ads or buying items from WGT's partners). The credits are then held hostage within the system until they have some outlet, and the only outlet is the Elite Collection. But to exit through the Elite Collection you have to pay a hefty ransom - well over 50% of the nominal value of the credits. Whether it takes 5x the value to check out of the Roach Motel, or whatever the ratio is (compare the list price of the old Maserati - by the way still pictured on the Elite Collection page but unavailable - with the nominal value of the credits that were required to buy it), it is definitely only a small percentage of the nominal value of any credits that is ever relinquished.

  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 12:06 AM

    if i was a business model i would wear sharp skirts and breezy tops and people could donate credits to my account to have me stand on the tee and say "whoarr you got muscles" and "great shot, your really good at this" and then when they was putting i could volunteer to retreive the ball from the cup. On the water holes i would change behind a small bush and dive in for the wet balls but it would have to be sunny, and someone would need to do my back with lotion.

    They wouldnt need an elite collection then

  • drakeshead
    285 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 12:43 AM

    Wgt are just getting Greedy and want more Money coming in,they have stopped the gift cards so top earners don't spend their credits they just want them to save all the credits upt.They don't like them gifting because there is no actual money coming into wgt and when gifting can ammount to thousands of credits they lose money because the person being gifted  hasn't spent anything.

    So the Top Earners are being Shafted.

  • MartyBerro
    110 Posts
    Thu, Jan 24 2013 1:05 AM


    if i was a business model i would wear sharp skirts and breezy tops and people could donate credits to my account to have me stand on the tee and say "whoarr you got muscles" and "great shot, your really good at this" and then when they was putting i could volunteer to retreive the ball from the cup. On the water holes i would change behind a small bush and dive in for the wet balls but it would have to be sunny, and someone would need to do my back with lotion.

    They wouldnt need an elite collection then

    If giving away some of your pics undressed was the solution to the economic troubles of Mr.Wgt, maybe he wouldn't hang at the telephone combed by an angry tourleggie.

    The impossibilty to spend the credits earned is completely unfair expecially for an organization which sends the list of its top earners daily.