I hate being negative over such an important issue for the ongoing advancement of WGT but I really don't understand what is being created here? Is this a development that is intended to mimic real life golf or is it merely to make the game harder?
I am a golfer rather than a gamer. I welcome the concept and evolution of uneven lies, it is without doubt essential for the long term sustainability of this game. I do however really question the physics being applied to the variables of uphill/downhill lies & ball above/below the feet.
Anyone who plays real golf to a decent standard knows ball below feet will generally produce a fade/push. Ball above your feet will in all likelihood produce a draw/pull. A players stance and adjustment in swing plane can alleviate these effects on the ball. Without these factors being included in the game for the time being it is a matter of aiming well left or right to combat it. Not a problem however I think the current effect on direction/distance is ridiculously exaggerated, particularly with the wedges. I still think some work needs done regarding this.
Great to have a tournament though, I am enjoying the challenge of it.