It should move by roughly 1 point from winning two rated matches against a Legend (saw it in the activity).
I actually did alosso, I won one match of 9 holes and one full 18. Nothing changed, not even 0.1
Right now I played 4 tournaments 2 of 9 holes and 2 of 18 holes, as I said before I already won 2 matches playing against a legend and nothing happened.
Your hint to the minimum no. of rounds made me examine your scoring closer.
If I'm correct you became TM on 01-24. You played 50 rounds until then (the 70 as the last). Your calculated average is 70.66.
That said, there has been a big third-party (match play?) influence on your average of 62 at some time in between, and for the next 20 rounds of ranked strokeplay at least any score below 36/72 should drop your average remarkably, as the number was saturated by that 70 and all those nasty 71 to 84 scores will be kicked out right now.
Watch out closely on the game screen (which is most up-to-date) and report a possible "steady" average to WGT.
BTW: level 83 at 225.315 XPs.