Woogmoog:Thx a lot Alosso for the time you spent calculating and looking on my profile. I hope it'll work for next 20 round you said.
No it doesn't :(
Now you played a 66 which should have moved the average by .35(!), and nothing happened.
We'll have to assume that they betterworsened the program again :(
Yes, it's all weird, and 66 is not even a good score, actually is a pretty bad score, but I'm just testing to check if it's going anywhere. Apparently not, but I sent a message to them.
I'm wasting a lot of balls on these games. Since yesterday 5 balls. Also I spent more than $300 bucks here. I never received the invitation for the wgt nation and saw many, many other players lower levels like 40's and 50's playing with the starter clubs and house balls.
I told them everything lol.
By this time I believe I would be a legend for at least 2 days now.