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Stuck on Tour Master

rated by 0 users
Wed, Feb 13 2013 4:48 PM (46 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:07 PM

    Look into the score history on your profile.

    The date I gave you is the first TM game I saw. I copied all games from there up and pasted them into Excel. I number them by date, as they are pasted.

    Then I separated the stroke play (front/back 9, full 18) from the other scores and counted them => 50.

    I've written a function to calculate the equivalent 18 holes score. Then I sort them by scores and calculate the average of the best 50.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:15 PM

    I've written a function to calculate the equivalent 18 holes score


    for mathematics :-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:24 PM

    Thank you very much - first award in my blog :o)

  • Murphyslaw1958
    8 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 4:27 AM

    I would also suggest playing fewer blitz's and sweeps and focus more on stroke play tournaments (9 holers are more practical than full 18's). Learn the intricacies of pitching, chipping and putting. THAT is what will lower your score. ;)

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 8:26 AM

    Thx a lot Alosso for the time you spent calculating and looking on my profile. I hope it'll work for next 20 round you said. 

    I had those 70's and 80's because I was deciding what kind of putting I'm going to stick with. I tried both ways, missing the ding and aiming using the marker. 

    And I still don't know wich one I'm going to use lol. Cause for long distances aiming is much better I can get more long putts and missing the ding sometimes works sometimes it doesn't.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 8:43 AM

    There are some strange stats there. Less than 200 ranked rounds. Your putting stats and sand percentage are way down but you have beaten the same Legend 23 times. Just saying.

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 9:26 AM


    There are some strange stats there. Less than 200 ranked rounds. Your putting stats and sand percentage are way down but you have beaten the same Legend 23 times. Just saying.

    Yes, he is a friend of mine and we play together a lot. But when that stuff of my avg happened I asked him to play with me some games and see what would happen, following what Alosso said it here and nothing happened. Still same 62.00 avg, I've played a stroke game to try to raise the avg I got +5 just to check, nothing. I played another one for real got -8 nothing happened. I'm actually thinking about to report this to wgt now.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 9:30 AM

    Thx a lot Alosso for the time you spent calculating and looking on my profile. I hope it'll work for next 20 round you said. 
    No it doesn't :(

    Now you played a 66 which should have moved the average by .35(!), and nothing happened.

    We'll have to assume that they betterworsened the program again :(

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 10:18 AM


    Thx a lot Alosso for the time you spent calculating and looking on my profile. I hope it'll work for next 20 round you said. 
    No it doesn't :(

    Now you played a 66 which should have moved the average by .35(!), and nothing happened.

    We'll have to assume that they betterworsened the program again :(

    Yes, it's all weird, and 66 is not even a good score, actually is a pretty bad score, but I'm just testing to check if it's going anywhere. Apparently not, but I sent a message to them. 

    I'm wasting a lot of balls on these games. Since yesterday 5 balls. Also I spent more than $300 bucks here. I never received the invitation for the wgt nation and saw many, many other players lower levels like 40's and 50's playing with the starter clubs and house balls.

    I told them everything lol.

    By this time I believe I would be a legend for at least 2 days now.

  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2013 12:14 PM


    I'm wasting a lot of balls on these games. Since yesterday 5 balls. Also I spent more than $300 bucks here. I never received the invitation for the wgt nation and saw many, many other players lower levels like 40's and 50's playing with the starter clubs and house balls.

    Just received a wgt nation member invitation LOL.