Try not to land very far then..:-)...
If it bounces, it means you hit it too hard.
Making a long putt is not easy, everybody gets lip outs. Since you use the Rossa, and you should be playing on very fast greens, you need to adjust to the speed of the green. You need to take into account if the arrow points up or down.. move the pointer around to check for spots where the arrow changes direction.. it may mean you need to add or substract more... If the arrow points up all the way, you may need to add an extra foot or 2, even more if the slope if very steep, and viceversa. Short putts with the arrow pointing up add a bit more, long putts, not much... If you move the arrow a few inches or feet and it changes direction, it may mean that the ball has to "climb" first and will lose power before it breaks. Also some greens maybe faster than others, like Oakmont 2 downhill... you don't wanna hit it 2 strong there... and end up 15 feet below the hole, but if you do.. and now you have 15 ft and 7 inches up... you may need to use around 22 in your power bar, even a bit more...If the ball stops 1 ft passed the hole you can make the putt back, but better than to leave it short. Also, if you miss the meter right to compensate for break, or unintentionally, then you will lose power too.. As it is so hard to ding, I sometimes aim closer to the hole and instead of trying to ding, pull or push it a bit, or a lot, but with an uphill putt, that means you need more power too. Watch this video and see how you can make some birds by missing the ding.. but remember that it is on Champ greens and ball can break more than in very fast... Even not dinging can be hard at times when u really don't need a ding. I have clicked way b4 and meter has supersonically gone to the ding, others I intend a little pull or push and the meter stops in the safe zone, too far or too close. Good luck!!!