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How many more long putts am I going to miss?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Feb 11 2013 4:32 PM (36 replies)
  • SilentOmegaWolf
    349 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 7:20 AM

    Your average distance to the pin is 20ft...gonna leave you a lot of long putts... I suggest investing in an Iron upgrade.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 8:54 AM
    This post has been deleted.
  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:15 AM

    (My parents couldn't spell. )


    You have over-come that, but note that the period (full stop) follows the last parentheses. ;-)

    Just givin' ya a hard time  C :-)

    replay.aspx?ID=d565da06 c890 49aa b26f a12500fe1ca3

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:30 AM


    a 64 degree is a must have i think... 

    the low level ping is OK.. kinda better than nothing... it has alot to do with your style of play..

    some like the super spinny  clevelands that can do some serious tricks.....for myself  the upper level ATV wedges have plenty of spin for my personal preferance ... an a tad slower meter .. thats just for the 64 ... because i like a ball to roll out sometimes... and can control it better ....

    the lower level ATV  and clevland are good... but NOT neer as wicked on spin capability..still nice around the greens tho ..for flopping ,,short chips an pitches..

    hope that helps... :) 




    Thanks for that, it helped a lot :)

    I must apologize to Courtney, I didn't realise you were a girl. sorry :)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:40 AM


    I must apologize to Courtney, I didn't realise you were a girl. sorry :)


    That's COURTENEY.


  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:46 AM



    I must apologize to Courtney, I didn't realise you were a girl. sorry :)


    That's COURTENEY.



    Untwist your knickes please, I said I'm sorry didn't I.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:59 AM



    It's time that you ditched the hybrid and got 3 equally spaced wedges. Then you need to practice the different kinds of wedge shot. Only use the chip on flat surfaces when you are no further than a yard or two from the green. Always try to use the flop on sloping greens and don't forget you can use a full shot from as little as 15 yards by only using a percentage of the scale. Good luck.



    Can you tell me more about 3 "equally spaced wedges"?  I have a hybrid but it seems like I do not use it often.....what wedges do you suggest? I have 2 by Ping, the 54 & 60, please give me some advice??? I'm new & don't understand my clubs yet.

    Ping Tour W Level 42+ 64 degree
    Full Shot 60 Yards
    Punch 49
    Pitch 17
    Chip 7
    Flop 19
    Ping Tour W Level 60+ 60 degree
    Full Shot 85
    Punch 71
    Pitch 25
    Chip 12
    Flop 29
    Ping Tour W 54 degree Level 60+
    Full Shot 105
    Punch 87
    Pitch 34
    Chip 17
    Flop 39
    My R11 Pitching Wedge
    Full Shot 120
    Punch 103
    Pitch 38
    Chip 22

    Now can you see how the wedges are basically spaced together.


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 10:01 AM


    That's COURTENEY.


    Do you pronounce it \Kort\ \ten\ \e\ or the traditional Courtenay?

    It is a unique spelling. Oh, is that what you meant above.

  • truly2bad2play
    104 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 10:47 AM

    I think a 64degree wedge is your best option..they are great for around the green,particularly the pitch off of everywhere but the fringe..(even then if enough distance to the cup 4yds+)..I rarely use the chip as I like less green travel to worry about

    I use the level 41or42 Ping 64 which seems to be a solid club to me..some of the best in the game are still using it even though they have their pick at their level.

    Good thing to have one wedge where the spin is not as scary as the Cleveland ones for the very short game. 

    Max distance is about 63yds with topspin..,minimum (with accuracy) a 7yd chip rolls out to 10yds at full power no spin on a flattish green from the fringe...and as low as 4yds can still be very accurate by reducing the power used and the spin.

    Using less than 70% power with a wedge throws the accuracy out the window having a club shot closest to the required distance is a good thing. 

    Mapping out the different ranges of all shot choices with your wedges at various strengths/use of spin..,and taking notes being the best way to go forward..I personally use #2 at Congressional on the single hole option for  practicing around the green.And every 9th shot i just cross the page and hit "play hole now" again.

    I would say I am not an authority on the game by any means,and still learning daily..but hope this helps.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 11:33 AM




    Untwist your knickes please, I said I'm sorry didn't I.


    No worries Darrel.