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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 4:08 AM

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 4:10 AM

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 4:15 AM

    Excuse me - your on fire .

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 4:30 AM


    No idea how you concluded from my post that I am in support of wgt decisions

      Because it isn't the first time you flipped flavors ct . You go from devils advocate to WGT's top spokesperson faster than Usain Bolt . Lol . 

      Now don't get your panties in a bunch ct . I'm just kidding . not , lol . Just couldn't resist . Not trying to antagonize or instigate anything here . 

    if I opine that wgt did something well, it's usually in response to something they've done well (IMO) That hardly makes me their spokesperson. If they do something worth criticising, then I challenge them on it...fair, no?. 

    No idea why banks are the only comparison. I used several types of businesses as examples re: customer treatment. I don't know how big wgt is. None of us do (unless you've seen their books).

    I should clarify a post I typed with respect to Rich. Upon re-read, it sounded harsher than intended. Soz Rich. I appreciate your generosity in allowing this thread to meander. 

    I disagree with your rationale for no longer playing. I don't know you very well, but you have obviously garnered the respect and friendship of many players on here...what could it hurt to hit a few virtual golf balls with them?...offers seem aplenty.

    Your decision, though.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 10:22 AM

    I take another tongue lashing as deserved. I may just surprise someone one evening and send an invite. It will be on one of the older courses because I have never seen the new ones. 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 1:02 PM

    I appreciate your generosity in allowing this thread to meander. 

    True but it is also hard to prevent it, unless of course WGT locked it.

    Going back a few pages,

    Oh good gracious, what has happened to my original intent.

    I am not sure Rich, but when this intent was honored as you originally intended, was the best thread around.

    Carry on everyone, it doesn't affect me at all.

    To me it was no an endorsement of what has happened, but Rich's resignation to the fact he has no control nor no longer cares.

    Rich was great to this game, endorsed the product and spend money to have fun and help others get that same enjoyment.

    It does become hard to keep up that support when nothing is given back in return. CT's analogy regarding banks is true, they do not care and everyone is a number. In fact most businesses are like this despite catchy slogans that they care.

    So when players finally say enough is enough and stop feeding the beast.....I admire them. One thing I have got to know about Rich, he has principles, the old fashioned sort where loyalty is paramount, and he feels rightly or wrongly, that WGT shafted him. From there, it is hard to forgive, so even playing the game for free goes against those core principles.

    Personally I still derive fun from the game, playing with mates and having a laugh....but I am spending less. I have 1 credit to my name - yes I will top up soon, but no longer gift randoms as I used to.

    Maybe society and attitudes have changed, values are economically driven and that sense of community has slowly been eroded. 

    Perhaps this forum and community have changed as well...which would make sense. Everything evolves but that is not necessarily a good thing. This thread. like most evolved......point proven lol.




  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 2:05 PM

    I remember when Rich lost his CDP bonus due to WGT , and through no fault of his own. I also remember the unsatisfactory response he received from customer service, who simply stated they could do nothing to re-instate his CDP ( which was complete BS then and remains complete BS now ). That was way back before Topgolf got involved, when the Mods were actually allowed to reply in the open forum ( no longer the case ). Back when, if you PM'd a Mod, they were allowed the courtesy of replying directly ( no longer the case, apparently ). As a whole, I believe Topgolf has absolutely no interest in even having a WGT forum, or community. It becomes pretty obvious once you weigh in their total avoidance of any communication with their customer base. Howzat fer honest ?

    Rich, you certainly don't deserve a "tongue lashing", I'm thinkin' a standin' ovation would be more in order !

    standing ovation

    Doc :)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 2:20 PM

    I remember when Rich lost his CDP bonus due to WGT , and through no fault of his own.

    Yup Doc...that was the day WGT lost Rich.....or was at least the final straw.

    That said I got hit by the CDB glitch one time....I was mad at the time and they could do nothing about it in terms of the number of consecutive days played. Put in perspective, it was the best thing that happened to me as I was no longer a slave to the game. I yearn for no equipment so play when and as I want.

  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 2:43 PM

    Same boat here, alanti . They had me hook , line , an' sinker @ one time with that CDP. Now, it means nothing. I come an' go as I please, try to contribute something positive to the forums, when I can. Do a little investigabling fer Mr. Ambassdor Yancy & team. Knock a few around, an' enjoy the company of virtual strangers an' friends alike. There were better days, as you said, not all change is good, but, it is what it is an' I expect I'll be around until WGT, or I fade into that last sunset.

    Doc :)