WGTicon: thanks for working hard on the list.
Thanks for taking the time we needed to look at the list and..
WGTicon: had very productive discussions.
WGTicon: good news is that this is a great resource and will greatly help us in guiding our product releases.
Excellent, it seems finally one of the lists we have created (this one) has actually been looked at and discussed!
WGTicon: I promise to try to keep our 30-90 upcoming
product releases thread updated (next update probably coming in early
April), to give you the best idea as to what is coming ahead.
Again excellent and very valuable feedback. We are hearing your promise Icon and will be waiting.
Thats a hellova lot more in one post, than the Mediterranean take away kid ever did.
WGTicon: I can tell you one thing though: we do have plans to bring improvements to country clubs in the near future, so please stay tuned for that.
Excellent x3
As long as it is feature improvements and not just the ability to make implement a new type of game in the tournaments.
We DESPERATELY need Tier Based tourney setup.
alanti: is it possible to tick the boses, agreed to,
under consideration and rejected? Anything not decided could sit in the
under consideration until such a time it is implemented or rejected.
This is no way would imply any time frames have been set.
Thids would be nice, only to see which items we can be looking forward to eventually.
However, i can image the PM team & icon in the meeting:
Icon- "they have been asking for these things for a long time, the community is passionate about it"
PM - " yeah we know, but if we tell them we are going to do
x,y & z and then it is delayed because of a,b & c, then we get
more negative threads created, more chinese whispers, more accusations
of broken promises and the effort & value currently in place with
their list will be forgotton"
alanti: give players something to look forward to when updates do occur.
Icon, I think the majority of the regulars in the community, who do
pass on help and advice which in turn help alleviate some of the
Community Managers tasks, will back you up and advocate the fact that
although you may have indicated that their IS a plan for an item in this
list to be implements, that there are NO promises or deadlines implied.
"throw the dog a bone" as such, perhaps indicate which idea are
worthy and have been taken on board and indicate the definite NO's
alanti: This area is the one that appears to shrouded in secrecy from WGT
This is becoming more apparent. Other software/ game developers to have a list something like "Coming Soon".
Perhaps, it is due to WGT resources not being in fact what we assume?
it is a 4 man band and all these ideas we have are just far too
daunting for them to even think about right now while they are trying to
make sure Merion goes off with out a hitch.
Once Merion is released
then maybe then they have some breathing space and can .. well, take out
the garbage, change the milk in the fridge an do some washing.
alanti: thanks for doing this Icon and taking it forward to the product managers.
Yes absolutely!
Thanks Icon for putting your neck on our chopping block and in the line of fire over there at the WGT tent.