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The U.S. Virtual Open Begins

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Mon, Jul 12 2010 10:49 PM (11 replies)
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    337 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 11:15 AM

    What will the winning 2 round total be???

    Who do you think the top three players will be???

    Good Luck to everyone that qualified and have (some nervous) fun.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 11:31 AM

    With Single Play format I would think 120 is a possibility. As for the top 3 I can't imagine ALee and Bollox  not delivering and the 3rd is a tossup-too many very very good players to guess on. 

    Heh-As for the nerves, whoever has the best drugs-LOL. It is quite nerve wracking for a computer game. Can you imagine doing it for real?

  • TarheelsRule
    5,579 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 1:55 PM

    Can't imagine it beling that low with single play format but I might be wrong.  Without starting and stopping Oakmont after not birdieing the first 2 I bet it won't be so easy to go really low.  I see we already have 63 up so I am going with 125 for the low two round score.  Av and Bo might prove me wrong.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 2:05 PM

    131....  couldn't tell you who, but I figure the final score will be 131 or a bit higher.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 2:09 PM

    131?!  That would mean every 63 put up would have to shoot 68 the second time around. Barring any pin/wind changes I doubt that will happen.

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 2:14 PM

    I don't know what the score will be but sure it will come from someone who actually has a stable computer.  Just posted 65 with 3 missed putts inside 5 feet.  2 on meter freezes and one flat whiff by me.

    Also had some monumental deviations on dingers that were each close to 20 yards.  One went 17 yards right against an 11 wind and I had zoomed in on aim so I know that was accurate.  The other I hit full 115 full BS with 8 tailwind 8 downhill and and it went 87 yards on a dinger.  That was on #5 which is a must birdie hole and made bogey.  I believe in the VEM, Beast, or whatever you want to call it but that is just plain ridiculous.

    I spit the proverbial bit on this one.  Good luck to those still to play.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 2:30 PM

    WIll go with 122.  If I can shoot 64, someone else will go much lower.  The again there are guys who qualified shooting 77.  I just hope someone doesn't go lights out and closes the tourney out too early for the rest of us.

  • cjfelton
    79 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 3:43 PM

    I'm going with 123.  Practice will not help.... unless you take some advice.  The wind was changed to moderate for the 1st round.  That resulted in some 12 and 13mph crosswinds, headwinds, etc.  My ball ended up in places it has never been in Oakmont, and the result was 34 putts (4 3-putts, I haven't had one in weeks), and several long birdie attempts that are usually from much closer.  A 74 to open for me, and I qualified with 64.

    This is my advice, and it will only be helpful on the par 4's and 5's.  Set up your practice rounds with moderate wind, and try to put your tee shots ( and 2nd on the par 5's) in the range where you would normally end up.  Then hit your approaches from there and see what the wind is going to do.

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 6:20 PM

    Well it's certainly not going to be me shooting 120... I'll be lucky to hit Snaike's number... Complete choke!  BLAH

    337 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 7:13 PM

    I played like Betty White...

    That course whupped me like a rented mule.

    I couldn't wait for the round to end.

    Luckily I bought those Canadian avatar pants so the gallery thought I was Lee's caddy.

    I mean it was like a fantastic porno...I saw postions I didn't know existed.

    Hell even my avatar turned toward me and said ..."can't we Tap Out"?

    Oh the humanity.

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