pejon60: I have yet to play any of the people who shoot those scores in any form of multi-player stroke game. I have asked for the last year....but NOT ONE has taken up the offer when they know I can identify if a cheating program is being used.
When have you ever asked anyone at any time.
How exactly can you spot anything.
Are you one of those wacko's at WGTLS that have perfected spotting cheats by watching the menu go blank and counting, or perhaps the 3 good shot in a row rule, whereby you start screaming cheat after 1,2 or 3 straight shots.
How about a game for 1000 credits.
What a noob, go back to your master account and enjoy.
Hmm i play on WGTLS Steve so am i considered 1 of those wacko's? I also use the whiteout method if i suspect someone of cheating,also if they are using some form of software the timer will also freeze/skip,but i'm not saying everyone cheats far from it!! But considering most of the cheating threads appear in the main WGT forum admittedly most of them misguided,your finger pointing at WGTLS is totally uncalled for.
Lets go back to Icons post as regards holding the meter which has been restricted to 15 seconds,so if it whiteouts for longer then yes they are using something.Example i was playing someone who refused to play a 60 second clock,she took on average 6-9 seconds a shot,yet the 2 times the whiteout method went to 19 seconds she almost holed out both times leaving it 1ft from pin.So is that not suspect??
I also Know Pejon has challenged People openly in the WGT forums to prove they are not using any form of cheat,and by the same token he never said he would beat these guys,he just says he will be able to tell if they are using or not.
Alot of the Elite players on this site are just that good because they put the time and effort into learning each course,so with restarts these scores can be achievable.Tess is a good example as she has posted a video showing her 55 i think it was in the Open qualifier,so please don't put me in the bracket of can't do it they must be cheating as this far from the case! Hell my m8 hit a 56 there on his 2nd go.
As for calling People Wackos Steve a few elite players i know think the same about you,with your ramblings about your conspiracy theorys,for example some of the Elite players hack into the system to control VEM really?
Maybe i got out the wrong side of bed this morning,or i'm on my period who knows,anyway rant over.