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Cheats/Fraud et al

Sun, Nov 17 2013 11:41 AM (186 replies)
  • KissMyDivot
    626 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 12:26 PM

    How about this.... I want a response from cheaters on why they cheat!  So please every cheater, multi account holder, and auto ding user please tell us why you do and provide a undoctored screen shot.


    Very well stated WGTTdbloshoe!


    I want a response to this cheaters!!!

  • JKURTZ85
    147 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 12:39 PM

    get real people!!! seriously! the only way a auto dinger will work is if the meter is the same everytime..thats not gna happen!! so leave it alone already and play the game! YOLO You only live once!!! its just a game! njoy peoples company have a beer golf and have fun! who cares what other are doing..!!

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 2:23 PM


    I had a 3mph wind at 1:00 at my back moved the marker about the width of the arrow just to be safe, dinged my shot , the ball went 10yards on the other side of the flag

    Did the shot go 10 yards long, short or pin high?

    Hitting a shot without enough power will cause the ball to fly offline with more exaggeration. Same thing happens when hitting with too much power. The margin of error on any shot is just about less than one pixel. After that, all bets are off. Its all about getting the right power on approaches and the right speed on putts. Otherwise it's all or nothing.



    As far as the cheating debacle goes, there's not much WGT can do to combat it. There will always be cheats. This means everyone needs to be diligent to not fall victim to cheaters.

    Players can't let the cheating issue create dissension among the players who play with integrity. I say, turn in the cheats and let WGT sort it out, at the same time, keep it private and out of the public forum when turning someone in for cheating.


    Play well!

    Rich the shot was right in line with the hole , if the flight would have been correct It might have been an ace.

    This almost same incident happen to me at Cong. I think the 3 hole par 3 no wind dinged the shot , wound up 8 to 10 yards to the left of the pin. Ball was in the exact same line with the pin, another almost ace if the ball took the correct path of flight.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 2:41 PM

    from what i see regarding the numpties who've done a ding don't work much...that is unless you see a 34 round Kiawah back 9 as acceptable. :)

    on that note though it would be pretty easy to write a piece of software which only responded to hit the ding line when it was reached regardless of how much the meter stuttered or went fast / wouldn't matter a toss because such a neatly written proggy would not be timer would be set to length (1/10th of a millimetre precision) the meter could do cartwheels & backflips...a right ole porky pig job... but once it reached a certain distance / length....BLAMMO!!! excellent shot....chaching chaching!

    we can't blame WGT for finding the combat of these software(s) such a tough's actually not their problem....they introduced a game where all can play....unfortunately a few or many have chosen to play it with illegal aids and no matter how annoying it's highly unlikely to be stamped out because cheaters will always try to cheat.

    sometimes it's too easy to shout WGT do nothing or are doing nothing about cheating and it may seem like that BUT....I think in all reality, behind the scenes at WGT, it's not that way at all. No way would Chadders & Co want to see their investment & idea of bringing this great game to the online community blighted by the use of cheats / cheat software.....It just doesn't add up. Sure they make a lot of money either way but looking at the bigger picture...WGT is worth far more with a relatively cheat free environment so of course they'll be working behind the scenes to try and stamp a lot of it out....but any success is a distance away because as one cheatware is stopped, the next generation is already out there.

    self policing by players and working alongside WGT to uphold the integrity of the game to minimalise cheating is the best way forward.

    it's not every year a game as good as this comes like this come along every generation if you're lucky.

    one thing I do know is that the many top players I've played from Bolly to Dansamcam, Priestess, Simo, Genorb, Restorethis and their likes. These top players are shooting fine scores purely with their own skills, ability, judgement and knowledge of the game. Play them on a 90 sec timer or a 30 sec matters nothing....same better bring yer A game cause they don't need much time to think shots they've already played a 100,000 times before in all conditions.

    i think WGT should do what the UK police do.....Crimestoppers....i.e grass up a criminal and you get a reward.

    wgt should offer up a sleeve of nikes to people who snitch on cheats :)

    finally...choose your opponent wisely.....and as they used to say on Hill Street Blues " Be careful out there!"

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 3:17 PM


    from what i see regarding the numpties who've done a ding don't work much...that is unless you see a 34 round Kiawah back 9 as acceptable. :)

    on that note though it would be pretty easy to write a piece of software which only responded to hit the ding line when it was reached regardless of how much the meter stuttered or went fast / wouldn't matter a toss because such a neatly written proggy would not be timer would be set to length (1/10th of a millimetre precision) the meter could do cartwheels & backflips...a right ole porky pig job... but once it reached a certain distance / length....BLAMMO!!! excellent shot....chaching chaching!

    we can't blame WGT for finding the combat of these software(s) such a tough's actually not their problem....they introduced a game where all can play....unfortunately a few or many have chosen to play it with illegal aids and no matter how annoying it's highly unlikely to be stamped out because cheaters will always try to cheat.

    self policing by players and working with WGT in the support & integrity of the game to minimalise cheating is the best way forward.

    one thing I do know is that the many top players I've played from Bolly to Dansamcam, Priestess, Simo, Genorb, Restorethis, Gangaman (don't be fooled by his avg or he'll nail ya!) and their likes. These top players are shooting fine scores purely on their own ability, judgement and knowledge of the game. Play them on a 90 sec timer or a 30 sec matters nothing....same better bring yer A game cause they don't need much time to think shots they've played a 100,000 times before in all conditions.


    According to BolloxInBruges, the very best clubs are the key. He said that VEM effects the top clubs very little.

    It that's the case then it would explain the top players having very little problems with this.

    Doesn't have to be a top player at all but rather any player that owns the top clubs. 

    Now, how many players who make a concerted effort to tell others that VEM isn't all that bad are using the top clubs??

    Seems strange that not a single player who doesn't have VEM problems have credited Bruges with providing a simple response to the ones who DO have VEM problems. 

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 4:33 PM

    t's not every year a game as good as this comes like this come along every generation if you're lucky.

    Ones coming this fall, my friend

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 4:51 PM

    if you mean PP mate....well.....that remains to be seen.

    i think the game looks very good but.....there's something severely lacking in the equation and I honestly don't think it's the game.

    people have great ideas but they're not necessarily the correct people to take the idea forward and I think this is possibly the case with PP.

    something has stopped solid investors pouring their money into what indeed looks a winner / great idea which is why it's taking so long.

    i think the fact that PP isn't going to be web browser based like WGT has put major money men off....sure they've signed deals....but no one knows the terms of these deals and written somewhere in the terms will be the "get out" clause.

    no matter how good it turns out to's not web browser based so it's not for me.

    i'll be interested to see how that game progresses and what playing costs actually will be.

    i honestly think PP would achieve greater success by having those involved with it bought completely out and a fresh team who have a proven track record of getting the job done brought in to take it forward as well as making it web browser based (hint hint wakey wakey WGT).....which for me would be a major stipulation of any investment I made.

    imagine WGT & PP as one game.

    no more trugolf......and new courses which can be introduced in a matter of days.

    how good would that be?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 4:57 PM

    i honestly think PP would achieve greater success by having those involved with it bought completely out and a fresh team who have a proven track record of getting the job done brought in to take it forward as well as making it web browser based.

    Or sell/rent the renderings to WGT. They put TruGolf to shame. Those would be worth paying for.