Ok so i havent had time to read the entire thread but let me just put my two cents in and if anyone has covered it i am sorry!
For WGT to 'do something' about cheating in this game their only option is to create a third party program that runs along side Java and your browser, either taking random screen prints or detecting specific things running on your computer, both will be costly and time consuming and create a whole new raft on technical problems which they already have enough off, and lord knows they dont like doing anything with money unless its coming in from ball sales, they like doing that.
The only common sense thing they can do is re-write the swing bar code to make it more stable, i myself have seriously considered researching these auto dingers after losing ball after ball from a frozen or choppy swing meter.
Of course, WGT have their standard response, its you, not us. I believe it until i ran a series of tests which included 4 different desktop computers, 2 laptops, 6 dfferent versions of flash on 4 different internet connections, 50% of tests ran with resource monitor open the other 50 ran with NOTHING but the game window open,
The result: inconclusive.. why? Because it is random, it attacks at moments when there is nothing running, resources are barely used and the internet is working fine, then other times when there is more load on worse machines it is fine for an hour then it will attack.
I believe the choppyness of the meter is caused by slow upload speeds from WGT servers, the game is stuttering while trying to retrieve data, it cannot be proven unless WGT show us some bandwidth statistics and we start recording dates and times of choppyness.
So, in closing, if WGT want to stop auto dingers, or a vast majority of them, create a better sing meter, upgrade your servers, or create a stand alone game running on a decent game engine.