I find that a driving range has been requested by many, myself included, a couple years ago.I believe it would also have a putter practice green, and yes varied buckets of priced balls.I also like many others would like to see more effort in the clothing area, caps, hats, shoes, patriotic or otherwise, gloves, etc.Fact is, much more is there for Wgt, to add, other than equipment.Improvements in gameplay has to supercede clothing however.Wgt has its hands full, I'm sure when the time comes, they will most likely address a better all around wardrobe to be offered.But, you must remember, it is highly expensive to add the elements we ask for, so then, in good time, I believe they will give what is requested.
Mulligans are not required, in tournament play. In practice possibly.But there are many more items that should be introduced before, such as putting and driving range where new items may be practiced with.My thoughts alone, & I hope those who celebrate Easter, have a great one!