I only wish that players didn't have to wait 9 minutes (all other 3 players quit not hitting the forfeit button) to continue there game as player after player leaves via not hitting the forfeit button. Its NOT the same as just exiting you impose a penalty to every other player with your own childish action.
In my view this is disrespect, If your going to show the rest of the group your true colors by throwing in the towel and quitting at least have the respect to say "sorry and i have to forfeit" and hit the actual * FORFEIT BUTTON*.
Thus not imposing a penalty of minutes sitting in limbo waiting for a person who has no intent on return to the players who are trying to get a round in who are there to play and stay.
sometimes when you get back in the game will have a issue with reloading a player and you sit again waiting for another 2:45 no fault of there own the game threw them out after the quitter left but now we all sit and wait. Its getting so bad as of late out of every foursome i get with and play 50% to 70% of the time 1 or 2 or more QUIT.
I'm going to start a list as a friend of mine has done on here every player who quits gets on a round due to bad shots and no real reason gets listed on it. That way i know who not to ever play a round with. really people hit the forfeit button its that simple..