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arrogant people of higher tiers

Fri, Jan 3 2014 1:20 PM (123 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 2:56 AM


    It seems from reading most of this thread that this.......let's be reserved and just call him an idiot.......has been removed.

    Yep, like Opy pointed out a few days ago, the fact that Stevie can no longer be found through WGT players search tab means his account was closed.

    Don't normally comment unless I have read a thread fully ( but i have a an excuse)  it sounds to me whomever felt this Stevie was doing wrong, then in your eyes you have been vindicated and as he is now ousted by  WGT and you all feel righteous and vindicated ? 

    I mean after all why would WGT suspend an account that may be viable unjustifiably ?

    Food for thought or just a shrug from the judges, juries and executioners..

    Too many f*ckin Indians and not enough chiefs for my money !!



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 3:22 AM


    Glad for you it came back negative. Cancer is a real sucker.

    A well (not arrogant) meant tip: Learn from this, grow as a person.


    I will also say it takes a strong person to realize their wrongs and apologize. At times we all make bad decisions, the key is to try and rectify them in a dignified manner. We all learn from our mistakes to make us better.

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 3:28 AM



    It seems from reading most of this thread that this.......let's be reserved and just call him an idiot.......has been removed.

    Yep, like Opy pointed out a few days ago, the fact that Stevie can no longer be found through WGT players search tab means his account was closed.

    Don't normally comment unless I have read a thread fully ( but i have a an excuse)  it sounds to me whomever felt this Stevie was doing wrong, then in your eyes you have been vindicated and as he is now ousted by  WGT and you all feel righteous and vindicated ? 

    I mean after all why would WGT suspend an account that may be viable unjustifiably ?

    Food for thought or just a shrug from the judges, juries and executioners..

    Too many f*ckin Indians and not enough chiefs for my money !!



    Looks like it's only been a week suspension, probably the fairest decision.

    @ Andy  Steven's been getting real personal with some people from page 4 on and has been leaving some nasty threatening messages on their walls as well (not on mine). The suspension was probably warranted at that time (breaking a sh*tload of rules).

    @ Steven  Thanks for your apology on my wall, it wasn't necessary. My skin is thick (my head sometimes as well) and all we had was a heated forum discussion, no nasty wall posts involved. Like I said in one of my comments (page 9), I bear no ill will towards you personally and my sincere wish is that everything turns out good for you IRL.

    P.S.: And I actually agreed with your post regarding the OP, lol. Just not with the way it was delivered ;-)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 4:20 AM

    Looks like it's only been a week suspension, probably the fairest decision.

    Fair enough...sounds deserved but I'm sure you know where I was coming from with the main thrust of my post...self policing is all well and good until we turn into the 'West Midlands Police Force'........Non British ppl may have to google that.

    ( prefix it with corruption)

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 11:22 AM

    Thank you for the kind words....and yes i did deserve the week ban...i admit that....but some in here are so hard hearted and have a hatred for what a person does for a living that they too start agitating the situation....sometimes i dont say it in the right way...i just was basing my post on the experieces i had happen to me....and thats when it snowballed in the wrong direction....the main thing i was pointing out was that its easy to let your skills go to your head that you forget the sportsmanship that goes with th game....afterall....this is suposed to be a gentleman's....and ladies... game....all too many times i have seen people be rude in here while playing...while the whole time i'm congratulating them on the shot they just made...u can ask anybody i have played and they will tell u that i always show sportmanship towards whomever i play...but sometimes i think we forget that we too were lower level players struggling to understand how to play this game....

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 12:23 PM

    Lets just get over it. The guy said he's sorry. We don't need no over- judgement on him.

    He isn't gonna shoot anyone over the internet anyhow so lets let the damn thread die.


  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 1:34 PM

    Thank You Bubba...well said

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 1:38 PM

    I got a  golf question for u  i just noticed on my stats, tis shoing 28 as my low score for 9 holes.  I shot that in my CC tourney on the Best of Par 3's. I just shot 31 on the Best of Famous holes front 9....i was justwondering how tha 28 is a low score since i was +1 for the round?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 2:01 PM

    Yep, the day Merion was released the Par 3 course also became a semi "ranked round" - it will alter your stats including best scores but not your average. There have ben numerous complaints as it makes a mockery of your best scores - 19/20 are showing.

    It needs to be fixed ASAP and changed retrospectively IMO. I for one will not play it now unless it is a practice round

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 2:30 PM

    Thanks for telling me...and you're makes a mockery of the high score...i dont think WGT thought that one out very good....maybe they thought about it on a smoke break me....i think it ought to have its own category