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arrogant people of higher tiers

Fri, Jan 3 2014 1:20 PM (123 replies)
  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 6:50 PM

    much better MB  this stuff gets old....its like a new thread same old string...whats sad is newbies come in here for advice and all pple can do is comment on whether they can typelike a secretary or make them feel like its beneath us to answer their questions....or we belittle them to where they would rather quit than put up with the crap

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 6:54 PM

    Steven, keep me out of your comments. I am not good at this game, never will be. I worked like hell to get where I am, which is nowhere. I only try to be good to everyone who plays this game. A true friend, honest, and help if I can. My level has nothing to do with who I am. It took me almost 3 years to get here, and I don't brag about a damn thing.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 7:19 PM

    I don't brag about a damn thing.


    Ya know Ren, if I had a sack like that I could show off...I'd also feel pretty confident;)

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 8:27 PM

    Why you!!!  WHY YOU!!! You, you YOU idk lol who gives a f ck. lmao

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 9:11 PM

    u know i dont recall saying anybodys name....and if my comments werent about u  then why are u getting all worked up about it??  seems to me only a guilty conscience would take offense to my comments....and and if it takes a big sac to speak the truth....then i hope my truth stepped on alot of pples toes....and renni....i too have worked my butt off to get where i am....whats the title of this thread...oh yea ARROGANT PEOPLE OF HIGHER TIERS....if the thread doesnt apply to u....then why get upset....or am i stepping on the"judgemental groups" toes???? or maybe its the fact that i dont care who i offend if what i speak is th truth....and if anybody is offended with my comments....then go look in he mirror and see if that person looking back is acting a fool in here!!!

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 11:13 PM


    play the damn with grace and lose with even more grace

    I'm all for that.  Where exactly does playing like a total dick fit into this though?  If anyone wants to play crazy golf then play with friends who are OK with it, not a random person.  Or let your opponent know before the first tee so they can quit straight away and not wear some of the life out of an expensive ball.

    There are many players who take this far too seriously but they also have the right to do so.  Just as the OP has the right to practice onanism.

  • drumstick66
    156 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 12:23 AM


    U know whats really sad.....its the fact that u dancing monkeys did not understand what Paj is talking about....he's talking about u arrogant, self loving to hear ur own voice, imbeciles who think ur something important because ur a so-called master or above that u really think we give a darn because ur good at a stupid damn computer game??? 

    Wow , way to get upset about a "stupid damn computer game"

    If indeed you don't care about what people think then why are you in the forum ?

    Who are the  "real players" that you talk about ? Surely not the OP , he's only been here a month and you've been here even less time than i have !

    For my own part , i have met with nothing but help , advice and a few laughs when i've played matchplay , have yet to play anyone who's been rude or arrogant , maybe i've just been lucky .

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 1:29 AM

    win with grace and lose with even more grace 

    I agree 100% with this statement.

    However to me it sounds like neither the OP or his opponent did this.

    I will give some leeway to the OP because he is obviously young and immature (based on his actions and childish status). I have had a player do what the OP did, the intent was forme toquit - and it didnlt work so he left (and I assume the 0-6 record indicates the OP did quit too).

    Golf should be a "gentlemans game", where we applaud the opponents good shots and not to throw tantrums when we mess up, but this is the web where you meet all sorts (99% of people I have played are decent folk who adhere to the "gentlemans game").But it also just a game - where golfers and gamers alike play.

    As for being arrogant, I may be sometimes when it comes to how I would like to see this game run, but on the course I have always been happy to play with any tier and try to help them if they are willing to learn - not that I am very good! Regardless I will always treat anyone of any tier, sex or nationality with one thing - RESPECT.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 2:52 AM

    oh i do care very much about the game itself chickenleg....but as i said in my previous post.....and this is what some of u seem to be overlooking....if the post was not about u then why are YOU getting upset and answering my post?????  Its kinda like when....if any ...go to church and the preacher is talking about something and it offends u....then that message was FOR YOU....and Alan i have played with u and yes u are a very gracious person and very helpful...u sought me out to assist my game and i was very grateful for that....and as i stated in my previous post....i have mentioned NO NAMES....but yet pple have responded....right chickenleg????  

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 4:12 AM
