oneeyedjohn:Where the hell is a 25 coming from. 10 under par
I did it few times, one of this was 3 years ago (24 april 2010. You can see it on my profile) and then, noone heard about cheat programs. Was when didnt exist legend tier (master was the top) and we play with g10 irons and gi-sd balls. Isnt impossible, only you need some luck and play a good round.
About cheat players.....thats happend when one players plays all his/her games with low 50`s scores and if WGT looks their distance to pin can se how is inside 10 feets all the times. Thats impossible, you can made a bad shot and made a long put but you cant hit all your shots perfect, or maybe few times can do it with this new equipment. If good players hit their shots inside 10 feet all the times, they can hit really scores always, thats the problem