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Implement of anticheat software?

Wed, Jun 26 2013 12:29 PM (52 replies)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 3:55 PM

    I've been here for 3 years and the only players I've seen or heard booted from the game because they got caught out cheating were average or below average players.

    I urge caution always ...........Any good investigation can't rule anything or any one out! Without a known fix sadly the cloud hangs, just reading the thread is all that's needed work at least that much out, no rocket science degree needed. 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 3:56 PM

    Who is accusing who of cheating TBE, if that was me then that was certainly not my intent?

    you never mentioned it :)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:23 PM

    I hope I was clearer :).


    Absolutely, I knew what you meant, hence my message:)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:33 PM

    The top players I've played are top players because they're just damn good at this game and are just more consistent.


    I agree a 100% and have played with a few as well, they play too fast to be doing anything wrong, and play damned consistent.


    But I think of it in my terms...sure, I get an occasional RG win...but could my 60 that I broke even on or loss credits on, maybe been a double up had there not been use of some enhancement SW?


    I'm not "on this bandwagon" thinking "yeah, let's topple the elite players here"...I'm on it because I think that some good players might be using it and moving me back in the pile.


    There's 4 or 5 guys in this post (including yourself) that can play well enough that even if I used SW, I could still only win one in 10 times...the best don't need a level playing field, the rest of us do;)

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 6:40 PM

    I'm just not buying it for the following reasons:

    1. Dinging is not the answer, I can ding plenty, and do not always get inside 10, 20 and sometimes 30 feet. In fact, while I will stiff 1/2 the holes when playing well, the other half is all over the map. I cannot recall ever shooting a real low score whereby I was not required to make the 15- 25 foot putt on more than 1 hole.

    2. It comes down to putting.

    3. Some games I can achieve a better result consistently missing the ding with the wind, as I like to mix it up a bit.

    4. Slow meter balls and clubs allow everyone to get real close to a consistent ding, so why bother slowing it down and from what I seen it's still hard to ding the slower meter.

    5. It comes down to putting. We have slow meter putters and balls and missing the ding on putting is almost as consistent as ding putting and some of the greats miss the ding every putt.

    Bottom line, my thinking is, the better players don't need the meter slowed down any more then it already is, to play a good game. Those that use such software are obviously not very good as they would not be looking for such software if they were and therefore will still not make the putts that are required here.

    I believe there are 1000's if not 100,000's of thousands using the software to slow the meter and always have done so, as the software has been around as long as wgt, but the use of the software would ruin the play for many as it is not just the meter that is slowed, everything including the moving dots, and the graphics is slowed, how much fun would that be to play. IMHO, that would be an awful playing experience. And likely, and I believe this completely, would not yield their desired results in more ways then 1.

    Finally I have played the good players, and marveled at their consistently being able to make any and all putts from almost anywhere, chip and pitch in a full 3rd of the time. And you can slow the meter to a creepy crawl and not perform to that level.

    In closing, The guys shooting the low low scores, are just that good. The cheaters are just humbling along shooting 33 34. 66 68 Nothing at all to worry about IMHO.

    If you want to get better, figure out the putting, forget the creepy crawl meter and the crappy graphics in the  quest for the consistent ding.

    And on topic, they should implement something that prevents the meter from being slowed, but it will not stop the low scores.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 7:32 PM

    Dinging is not the answer, I can ding plenty


    It may just be your style of play as well...I miss the ding too many times...always seems to be with the the wind..on approach shots and have 4-6 30+ footers...worse in moderate/heavy wind RG's.


    I guarantee if I dinged those shots...or hit late/early enough as I wanted...I'd be have 12-15 foot putts (or less) and have a much  easier birdie putt and muck more likely to drop.


      I consider myself "good" here, but I know for sure if I dinged  or hit where I wanted early/late, I'd play 3-5 strokes better per 18 holes, consistently.


    That was my point:)

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 10:32 PM

    Ive yet to see a cheat....I think

    plus there is a software that cheats...its called the max meter ball

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 10:52 PM

    plus there is a software that cheats...its called the max meter ball

    But slower and with Nike 71/81 attributes if desired...............

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 3:21 AM

    BUT of course I wish WGT would do something.  However, having been offered, in writing, cheat software in my messages on WGT by a WGT memeber, and reported that and seen nothing done ......well.................maybe a bigger plan being formed............ 

    That's the problem right there. It really seems that WGT couldn't care less. I really hope I'm wrong about that but actions do speak louder than words, and, well actually, we haven't had either from WGT. They know what methods are being used to cheat, so really, how difficult could it be to find ways to counteract them? Why all the silence about it?

    I am not suggesting that need to tell us what methods they have in place,. That should be secret, but at least tell us that they're working on it. Something, anything?!?! I can assure you, they will lose a lot more than they gain by just sitting back and allowing this to continue.

    This is the reason that players are starting to try and find methods of detecting cheats themselves, cause they feel that WGT aren't, so it's left up to us, the problem being that many times, we may be wrong.

    As I mentioned, I really do hope they are working on something, just wish they'd hurry up.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 4:55 AM

    everything including the moving dots, and the graphics is slowed

    Steve, I always respect your comments but on this one point and just as far as putting goes (assuming i got that right)  I beg to differ somewhat. I understand these cheats can be easily switched on and off, and I do not believe that any unscrupulous good player would want one on whilst putting. I putt with the L70 Versa and L81 Nike ball. If I want it’s so easy to putt a 7.5 foot putt at 5%........even I am not gonna miss that mark too often whether I ding or miss ding putt……OK very inept twerps may try it to improve putting but.......Important 22 yard pitch? set it up normal speed, flick the switch and meter to a crawl for that?...Sadly I think the issue is more sinister.


    Case in point my game....I just finished a BoF ranked round with a 28 – creditable enough for me, BUT with cheat software it (as sure as anything can be) it would have been a 26. Ineptly I missed twice over 9 holes but the two misses were, yet again, on my long iron shot’s.  My first miss was at the long Kiawah par 3 which turned a gimme 6 foot gimme bird in to a missed 15 footer  (OK no reverse view available and I never bothered to exit out and back in but point made).  My second dropped shot was at the 17th where a slight miss, long 3 iron approach, turned a bird putt in to a just missed chip.  Now so obviously were this an important tourney, RG or otherwise, that 2 shot swing is massive. Put this SW in the hands of a top player and the rest is easy…………….I am not accusing any one, but as it stands and admittedly only as I understand it, a v  good player would be competing at a level they could not otherwise if they used this sh&t………………  The odd v difficult longer iron approach is where it could be used to greatest effect IMHO!