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Implement of anticheat software?

Wed, Jun 26 2013 12:29 PM (52 replies)
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 7:49 AM

    Going with what fabian said (genorb) about WGT detecting the time It takes for when we release the left mouse button to the time we press It again to try and hit the ding, why cant WGT find out how slow the meter goes with its slowest balls, say for example the slowest balls with R11's will make meter travell at 5 seconds from release of mouse untill we press ding, and 6 seconds to hit far right line (miss swing), so why not set a timer so If the mouse is not pressed after say 7 seconds WGT automatically presses a shot for us.  If we're playing legally then this 7 seconds would give us enough time to press the button to take a shot, but once meter hits far right (miss swing) it resets meter to take shot again normally. So normall players will be o.k, but if cheat software is in play and meter is crawling then wgt will automatically press mouse button for us after 7 seconds catching the meter 3/4 way down for the cheats

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 12:01 PM


    so why not set a timer so If the mouse is not pressed after say 7 seconds WGT automatically presses a shot for us.  

    I think it's even not necessary to give a penalty to the player. Indeed Chris what you say is OK if the gameclient behaves normally without bugs. But we know that it's not always the case.

    Some players, including you if I remember well, reported that sometime a shot is going too far for the selected club like if another club was actually selected (the caddy bug). It never happened to me, but I believe players who reported it.

    So apparently the gameclient can behave differently depending on the system etc.

    What I proposed is that if the time It takes for when we release the left mouse button to the time we press It again to try and hit the ding is longer to the normal time (according to the club and the ball you are using), then you get a blank shot (the ball is not hit). So you just have to redo the shot.

    In this way there is no pernalty but if the meter is travelling too slowly (due to a third party software), then you cannot make a single shot.

    For me it looks like a very simple solution to that problem which will not hurt for sure honest players.

    I am sure that implementing this solution is something rather easy for WGT programmers without significantly affect the overall gameplay. 


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 12:29 PM

    For me it looks like a very simple solution to that problem which will not hurt for sure honest players.


    We may not play on the same level, but at least we think alike;)