I'm just not buying it for the following reasons:
1. Dinging is not the answer, I can ding plenty, and do not always get inside 10, 20 and sometimes 30 feet. In fact, while I will stiff 1/2 the holes when playing well, the other half is all over the map. I cannot recall ever shooting a real low score whereby I was not required to make the 15- 25 foot putt on more than 1 hole.
2. It comes down to putting.
3. Some games I can achieve a better result consistently missing the ding with the wind, as I like to mix it up a bit.
4. Slow meter balls and clubs allow everyone to get real close to a consistent ding, so why bother slowing it down and from what I seen it's still hard to ding the slower meter.
5. It comes down to putting. We have slow meter putters and balls and missing the ding on putting is almost as consistent as ding putting and some of the greats miss the ding every putt.
Bottom line, my thinking is, the better players don't need the meter slowed down any more then it already is, to play a good game. Those that use such software are obviously not very good as they would not be looking for such software if they were and therefore will still not make the putts that are required here.
I believe there are 1000's if not 100,000's of thousands using the software to slow the meter and always have done so, as the software has been around as long as wgt, but the use of the software would ruin the play for many as it is not just the meter that is slowed, everything including the moving dots, and the graphics is slowed, how much fun would that be to play. IMHO, that would be an awful playing experience. And likely, and I believe this completely, would not yield their desired results in more ways then 1.
Finally I have played the good players, and marveled at their consistently being able to make any and all putts from almost anywhere, chip and pitch in a full 3rd of the time. And you can slow the meter to a creepy crawl and not perform to that level.
In closing, The guys shooting the low low scores, are just that good. The cheaters are just humbling along shooting 33 34. 66 68 Nothing at all to worry about IMHO.
If you want to get better, figure out the putting, forget the creepy crawl meter and the crappy graphics in the quest for the consistent ding.
And on topic, they should implement something that prevents the meter from being slowed, but it will not stop the low scores.