WGTdbloshoe: Taylormade put the Black R1 out as a limited edition so we are doing the same. Because of this we lowered the level to 93 to give more players the ability to play the club.
Why not 92?
If 92, why not 91? And if 91, why not 90?
If I were in your shoes, I'm sure I'd feel the same. But there has to be a cut off somewhere, and unfortunately you and those like you will be affected by the cut off. I missed getting the R11s by less than a week when they moved it to level 94, so I've been pluggin' away at it ever since, and I'm 4,400 from level 93 now. I'll probably get the driver in the next few days.
Inevitably, some update will come along where you catch the good side of it while others are left behind. I'm sure it's nothing personal on WGT's behalf.