Well some CC's do tournaments where you play with someone else and then post your card in the forum. Then someone sorts out the leaderboard.
Or he could join wgtls and play in their tournaments. Unless they have an age limit. Not sure on that 1.
we have started a country club : Logan City Chippers, But I can't find which tournaments, if anyone could help it would be great.
What you can do is put a post in your club forum that you're starting a tournament and ask for sign ups.
Then you set the course to be played by a certain time or day. Members pair up and play their rounds together (for confirmation purposes). After they're done they can come back to the forum and tell you their score or post a screen shot of their card from the game they played.
When all the scores are in you sort out the leaderboard and you have a winner.
If you so wish you could ask players to put in prizes to a kitty. Sort of sponsoring the tournament.
This way your son can play and feel part of being in a tournament.