MBaggese:Mr honesty is gonna be another whiner on the forum, all the while he'd been picking and choosing "high average players" who he was pretty sure he could beat...then got his ass handed to him.
Absolutely bang on, Mr Honesty has been looking under the wrong rocks for pieces of gold.
The MPC matches, used to be referred as the underground, the underbelly of WGT, IMHO the absolute best part of this game bar none.
However playing with strangers, that's what you get, strange play.
The OP is not alone, there are oodles of legends in there looking for easy pickings, I'm just not sure they are there to be found. Obviously you might find the odd honest sole in there who stumbled upon the format.
I have always considered the average as a false/positive indicator, 60ish and below, typically fairly honest, 63 and above is assumed as likely better than that, and 67 and above as pure fabrication. These were easier before the changes, IMHO, there are plenty of TM and below carrying around low 60 averages that are not at all indicative of their actual ability. Having said that, I place low weight on average when I'm making my decision.
So with those assumptions in mind in now look at record, but again, I have my eyes open to this possible pure fabrication as well. Ever try free play MP? Well it's full of the fastest forfeit's in the west. What's that about you ask? record manipulation I answer. There are plenty of individuals who know exactly what someone like the OP is looking for, and are only to happy to provide it for you.
Finally and most importantly, I look at tier and level, I have an up to date knowledge of the current equipment, the specs and the level they open at, I also have a general idea of tee advantage.
Finally, I do not have an inflated opinion of my own ability.
So using all this currently available information, how I feel today, I make the decision to play and make that decision while I'm still yellow.
Now back to the OP, I have played in the MPC for years, I'm can honestly say, and no offense, you are not even remotely nearly close to being good enough to be playing strangers for credits.
No matter what information WGT decides to implement, you will still be needing/requiring the honesty of strangers. You have a far better chance with the game mechanics giving you the can't miss and the opp the can't hit round. But that IMHO might hit somewhere around 1 in 10 rounds.
Which brings up another piece of advice from me, a 50/50 record in MPC is still a losing proposition.
Stay away, far away from MPC, it's clearly not for you and you are not good enough to be there. But if you happen to be addicted to it and like the format, expect to lose and all your donations will be gladly accepted..