MTBR: How would one go about finding how many Ranked Rounds at a particular tier they have?
The simple answer is Math.
The slightly more complex answer is by watching a person's average before and after each round for 10 to 20 rounds mathematical formulas can eliminate all the possible number of rounds and strokes hit combinations except for one - which then is exactly the number of rounds played.
The spreadsheet programming is complex when calculating for Legend tier due to the fact that all that is known is something less than 500 have been played and the rounding to 2 decimal points by WGT. Due to that the number of strokes hit for all possible number of rounds exceeds 1,500 calculations for each starting and ending average. It took me the better part of a day to develop the spreadsheet, but once programmed it can be used over and over again.
I have run the program for members of my CC (and non CC members for a couple of sleeves of balls) and the only one I was off on was a fellow CC member who saturated during the 10 rounds while I was making the calculations for him.