It's amazing how many eye sores for courses there are on this game. St Andy's and RSG look like something out of a black and white movie lol. i don't want to hear any dumb remarks either it is what i say it is. i have spent a ton of out of pocket money, enough to help pay for the photos for eye candy tracks.
You have been here since November of 2012 and only now you remark on how the courses appear.
You are (?) a Legend, surely you have played these 2 course in your time here. At the time you played them you made no remark, why now ?
I think you are displeased with something other than the appearance of these 2 courses. Could it be you want to stick a big stick in the pot and stir it up just to read the results on the forums ? Perhaps it is a nagging requirement that you are not getting enough attention from those that are close to you, so elicit attention from strangers on a public forum.
So you have spent a ton of out of pocket money ! Well welcome to a for profit web site. If you were not aware that it was going to cost credits to allow yourself to play this video game at the VERY beginning, I am sure you realized it shortly afterward.
Has anyone forced you to spend money ? I think not ! Has anyone forced you to continue to play this video game ? Again I think not !
Considering your attitude concerning this game site, I think you should leave !