CharlemagneRH: It would be automated, not done by hand, and it would take almost no CPU-time.
You're absolutely correct, Charlemagne. Some folks will just keep regurgitating that fallacy ad nauseum, even if you explain to them a hundred times that they are wrong.
Part of the non-resolution of the quitters issue is that there are dozens or hundreds of simultaneous "quitters threads" in these forums, and the forum management still hasn't merged all the quitters threads into a single comprehensive quitters thread. Hello WGTsky, I hope you get my drift.
This is a standard measure in any well-functioning discussion forum: every controversial issue must have one central location where it is discussed and where the solutions to that issue are proposed and discussed. The issue will never go away if you allow for it to be discussed in dozens of simultaneous places, so that people just keep reposting whatever (usually totally wrong) they have been saying for the last few months.
Take the cheating issue and the outstandingly functional Ladders forums. The very first thing that Mark, the Ladders site owner, did almost as soon as the cheating issue raised its ugly head a few weeks ago, was that he founded a new special section within the Ladders forum, called Cheating. Any and all discussion on cheating must now take place only in that forum subsection; if a user starts discussing that issue elsewhere in the forum, that thread is promptly transferred to the correct subsection by forum moderators.
That way, the forums are kept clean and functional, and the proposed resolutions of the cheating issue may be calmly, politely and rationally discussed in the Cheating forum subsection only.
It's essential that the same thing happens here in WGT forums regarding the never-ending quitters issue; and it's a critical issue for the future well-being of the golf game. I don't think we need a new forum subsection to deal with quitters; that would be overkill; but these forums desperately need one central thread to deal with quitters; no other quitters threads may be permitted to be posted elsewhere, and if they are, the posts can simply be merged with the one and only permitted quitters thread.
These are basics of forum management. However, I'm sorry to say the previous forum managers completely ignored crucial tasks such as this one, although I've been saying much of the above for many months. I do trust WGTsky can improve things a lot in this regard.
So, to sum up the current status of the quitters issue: I do believe is on the right track in wanting to implement reputation rating for site users. The first attempt to introduce reputation rating, about half a year ago, was a total failure and had to be recalled after 24 hours, because developers had completely ignored player feedback given to them in these forums well before they first introduced reputation rating.
So yes, reputation rating can be implemented fairly and accurately for all site users, and it would resolve the quitters issue once and for all. Very few additional resources would be needed from; it's all easily implementable. As to (approximately) how reputation rating should be implemented, see here.