Whining? LOL, i can see why your happy, actually if i was a tour master i would be pleasd to, because not only do you not have to compete with the likes avitar lee or bolloxbrug, iconion, or any of the other top players, but you get ALL the equipment needed at your disposal. I would be runniing for wgt fan club president if i were you. Now myself and others who werre bumped from the pro tier to master tier dont have that same ***nal of clubs at our disposal, but yet i have to hit from the tiips now. The first thing i did today was play a ready go and a match game challenge. The ready go, i shot six over for NINE holes, worse ive done in months, took an eight because my driver, hit perfectly on the screws wasnt long enoygh to even make it to the fairway, and ended up in the DEEP ROUGH, The match game i played was with a tour master, and he had almost the same average as me, but one problem, i had to hit from the same places he did, but i didnt get to do it with mater level clubs like he has., I didnt even have a problem with the greens set to tournament speed because he had to puttt on them to, so that was fair. He closed me out on the FIFTH hole!!!! In over 400 match play challenges, that has NEVER happed to me before.!! I understand in "theory" how this was suppose to address the sandbaggers, because if i were sandbagging, then being bumped up , woudnt hurt me, becase i was at that skill level ANYWAY, so all i would be doing is being put in the tier i should have allready been. For me, im a 69 ave, and that is what i shoot , i play ever round to get the best score i possibly can, no exceptions, and yet im bumpeed a different skill level, that im clearly not good enough for AND i dont get the equipment needed .......well if that is whining my friend, then i guess im a whiner...but you know what, if you ever run into me for a match game challenge, i will eagarly take your challenge and i will probably talk your ear off, but you wont hear me utter one word about how unfair this is , or the swing meter , thats why they have these forms, the course is for playing the game and having fun....cheers