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Wk50 Free Cabo 18 Single Play Uneven Lies

Tue, Dec 17 2013 9:27 AM (45 replies)
  • sprntrl7
    225 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:30 AM

     I  for one appreciate the relative realism uneven tries to convey. It helps me to think out a more strategic approach to the shot. I pardon every aspect of 'wtf' thing and embrace the format it is. 

     So, no complaints here, as I see pretty much everything else was already discussed. :)



    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 4:08 PM

    ITS...SO WEIRD,,,

    i never play UN even   ... but i love the SINGLE play turny's.... LOL    on UN even


    i aggree ...that its all about ..STAYING OUTA THE CRAP !!  ... pay atten to what the ground is like EVERYWHERE... 

    i like that it can be SUPER TUFF... if ya WHAK one off in the deep junk.. .. and appreciat any an all that finish no matter what they shoot...

    gunna play it in the morn... .. looks llike from what i read....better paying atten ..from get go,,#1 ...


  • sue333318
    631 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2013 4:36 AM

    I asked for this ages ago and appreciate that we have a tourny now.  

    Would be nice if it was over 9 holes and on a course more people are familiar with.

     I know unlimited comps are a pain but in this case I think the addition of a 9 hole free weekly comp on UL would encourage more people to try it out.

    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2013 9:30 AM

    dang ...65   for me

    wild ride... just -3 on front... no i thought.. 

    THEN,,  the backside,,..geesshh... i made dum dum on #12 BOGEY'D !!!  ...UGGGGGGGGGGGG ..

    suk'd it up....went par on nxt.1,,..then bird ..then EAGLE !!  an bird...!...o craaaaap ... so i just wanted,, par par,, last two holes.. ..

    hit tad over hole.on #17....just 21 ft back down..mabey bird ... and at least par.... BUT noooooooo  ..brain fart ..didn't change putter meter ...putted clean down off green.... ( BUMMER...)  no body to cuss but myself.... 

    so did just that.... :)

    then...sumhow..after aiming to,,, what felt like..50 yards left of hole .....hit one to 22 ft below hole on 18 .. made it !!!   .. lol... think 1st bird for me there... 

    funn stuff.... 2dammuchpressure.... :)_~~


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2013 10:50 AM

    Kudos to you, Flashy. Thanks for your fun description! It sounds like you had a good time, and an interesting challenge, despite the pressure. 

    Just for some context, IIRC, there was a 500cr UEL RG at Cabo back in the early summer, and winning scores there were 54-59 I think but it was from the baby tees (and were posted by Legends of the game such as Hanswurst72). Thus any score here in the low-mid 60s is fine going indeed, especially as there's no way to practice unevens at Cabo. 

    And I would urge you all to take in sweets' advice on p2: course management is definitely the key to a good round. 

    BTW, Corwyn is lights out the best UL player I know of. He can shoot under par with the starter clubs and ball on a bunch of courses and not from just the front ladies tees. The guy practiced like crazy and it shows on his score cards. He accepts what the game play is in front of him and makes the best of what the clubs can do. He never considers the negative. Dude kicks butt and it won't surprise me if he wins in the Legend Tier with his fancy clubs unless I have the round of a lifetime....  ;)

    Cerino, you're being far too kind! I count myself as merely a beginner at this game, but I do enjoy the test of unevens play, especially with starters. At the end of the day, it all comes down to who's hot when it counts, and luck plays a huge part. I'm just hoping the putter's working well when I set out there. Best of luck to everyone brave enough to give this a shot, and especially to everyone who can preserve a positive attitude. And from someone who taught me most of what I know about this game, Cerino you certainly wouldn't need the round of a lifetime to win. You've led from the front when it comes to understanding and advocating for unevens. Time for some glory for you, my friend!!!

  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Thu, Dec 12 2013 4:56 AM

    Had a 69


    Putted AWFULLY. Wasn't the UL that got me... was the fact that I made NOTHING and 3 jacked twice

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 4:02 PM

    Sorry to hear about your putting woes, Derek. (I've been noticing your name on the RG UEL leaderboards. So glad you're enjoying the unevens.)

    I'm in with a 60. Had an astonishing front 9 of -8, birdieing every hole except perhaps the easiest, the 6th. I seem to really struggle on the par 3s at Cabo; I made just one birdie on them this time. Ironic, really, that the holes that don't need any uneven lie adjustment are the ones I find hardest to score well on!

    Back 9 was a bit of a struggle by comparison, as I missed shortish putts on 10 and 14, and lost some rhythm; was mighty relieved to eagle 15 and birdie 16 to post -12 in the end. My putter was definitely hot for most of the round, finishing with 132.82ft of distance made putts. (Just FYI: I had 94% GIR, and ave. distance 12.7ft. I'm very curious to hear how others do with these stats in unevens, so please share.)

    A sub-60 is definitely out there... Good luck to everyone still planning on giving this a shot!

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 5:43 PM


    Sorry to hear about your putting woes, Derek. (I've been noticing your name on the RG UEL leaderboards. So glad you're enjoying the unevens.)

    I'm in with a 60. Had an astonishing front 9 of -8, birdieing every hole except perhaps the easiest, the 6th. I seem to really struggle on the par 3s at Cabo; I made just one birdie on them this time. Ironic, really, that the holes that don't need any uneven lie adjustment are the ones I find hardest to score well on!

    Back 9 was a bit of a struggle by comparison, as I missed shortish putts on 10 and 14, and lost some rhythm; was mighty relieved to eagle 15 and birdie 16 to post -12 in the end. My putter was definitely hot for most of the round, finishing with 132.82ft of distance made putts. (Just FYI: I had 94% GIR, and ave. distance 12.7ft. I'm very curious to hear how others do with these stats in unevens, so please share.)

    A sub-60 is definitely out there... Good luck to everyone still planning on giving this a shot!

    So my diabolical plan to use reverse psychology on you to keep you from beating me in the Legend Tier didn't work at all. I thought if I inflated your ego you would choke but that didn't happen. ;) <jk> Fantastic scoring and it sounds like your putter came through bigtime.

    Turns out I choked out of the gate and had to play uphill from the start. Shot -7 with 3 bogeys on the front. Shot -2 on the front and -5 on the back. I didn't look at the stats but they couldn't have been anything to write home about. Had a heck of a lot of fun not knowing the course in UL at all. +2 through the first 3 holes had me wondering what the heck I was doing but the UL bones kicked in and I made it back and then some. I usually play great on the front and just ok on the back when playing flatlands but shooting -5 on the back side left me pretty satisfied.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2013 3:23 AM

    Damn 66.

    Hell, Corwyn is beating the shi..t out of us!, you guys (Cor & Cer) practice so much that you are mastering the thing now.

    Well, no excuses, happy to see this UL tournes back in WGT.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2013 11:12 AM

    Was -4 after 5 but then found a RED square and after hitting the ball once which went 2 inches, a second time I hit it harder and it went back over my head into the bunker........I decided to stick by my Status Statement.
