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On The 6th 12th Day of Christmas

Fri, Dec 20 2013 3:07 AM (149 replies)
  • anewlife6189
    59 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:04 PM

    This is so awesome love to just read about the giving people are doing out of complete selflessness!!! Thanks to all!!



  • JustinSolvent
    1,501 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:27 PM

    Dear Santa, I have been nice all year and figured there is no harm in asking for a new driver. But I know someone even nicer who referred me to this great site. He could really use a good driver to play in the events. His name is "dixon37".

    As an aside, I would really like to commend all kind-hearted members taking part in this.

  • FredtheMonk
    63 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:30 PM

    thanks to everybody doing this!

    i just got to master and its hard to play those tees with starters.

    the level 40 Taylor Made R11s driver would really help



  • esty26
    425 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:47 PM

    Twas the night before Day 6

    I’m sure you heard it too

    A creature was stirring



    His group of 12

    He assembled with care

    Then sent them about

    With presents to share


    Stuffing the stockings

    In the forum with care,

    In hopes that some golfers  

    soon would be there.


    The Individuals CC

    Gathered their stuff

    And weathered themselves

    For the big morning rush


    What should we give

    And how many

    Should we send it by sleigh

    They asked of Renni


    Send them whatever

    They all were told

    Send them a six pack

    It don’t have to be cold


    Send them some balls

    That might help with their game

    Send them something

    That will add to their fame


    Speaking of balls

    We all chuckled and grinned

    And then we grabbed Renni

    Who by now reeked of gin


    We pulled back his scro_tum

    And sling-shotted him high

    With gifts on his back

    testes on his thighs


    Off he went in the night

    His group gave a whistle

    Then they all settled down

    To follow that missile


    And we heard him exclaim,

    ‘ere he flew out of sight,

    "Happy Christmas to all,

    and to all a good-night!"

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:49 PM

    brilliant lmao .......

  • esty26
    425 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 4:05 PM

    The other 10 will be posting as soon as they see this. We have no rhyme but plenty of reason. This is so much fun, thank you MC.

    I just added some rhyme, so now we have rhyme and reason but little sanity.

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 4:07 PM


  • Mohawk1
    366 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 4:11 PM

    Yeah ,ok than.. now it's MY turn to play Santa along with the other 11 from our group of Individuals , fantastic job on the video btw renn , well done :)  Simply a classic ...

    As a fifty year old father of two this Christmas has me just a bit emotional  . This time last year my Mom passed away and I so want to be happy and excited with my kids for Christmas this year , but , its just seems a bit hollow for me so far .

    ONE thing that really picked me up was reading a sister inlaws post on facebook asking me to share a special memory as a kid growing up .. I shared mine and it still puts a smile on my face when thinking about it .  My Mom LOVED making gingerbread " people "  :)  with us as kids and I now watched the  excitement  in my children eyes along with  there friends when we baked dozens the other day and sloshed them down with egg nog all the while singing Carols .

    So Im asking that someone shares a memory of there  Christmas youth with myself and  the good readers of WGT land .

    Santa Mohawk  wants to help someone with there short game and  by sun set tomorrow night wants to gift 3 Cleveland Wedges in the L 26 - 31 range  to another who can warm me with a smile of there child hood memories   :)    

    Cheers and Merry  Christmas  to all on WGT ( hats off to wgt brass for stepping up in a big way also ) .

  • Bignbad40
    3 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 4:17 PM

    Happy Gifting Santa's, I've been a good golfer this year, good sportsmanship and got along with all the other players. I even joined a country club and play in the tourneys. Love the game and the people. Merry X-mas.


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 4:20 PM

    heartwarming Mohawk bud, very nice gesture...... Merry Xmas to you and yours