Thanks Dubfore for starting this topic and Cobalt for sharing his procedure of using a handicap system. I will be stating handicap tourneys in the CC I belong to as soon as I get enough handicap rounds to work with.
Dubfore: A couple of the formulas I've seen seem a bit complicated. I had something simpler in mind, like what one of our members suggested. Grade players A, B and C etc based on their handicaps, and they can only enter the A, B, or C tournaments they are graded to.
In credit tournaments, the playing field would be more or less level and who gets the winnings shouldn't be an issue.
By the way, I should have made it clear in my initial post that it's in credit tournaments where the problem is.
I know why you want to use handicaps to grade players but I've found it's nearly impossible to get some players to stay out of any tournament they can enter before WGT gave CCs tier specific tourneys. I think you might run into the same problem trying to grade players and keep them out of graded tier credit tournaments. That is, unless you are ready to toss players out of your CC if they don't comply.
Thumbs up to Soggyblogger too on his idea of maiden tournaments, neat idea. BTW, if you contact WGTIcon he'll help you get off post moderation.