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I'm retiring this account.

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 3 2011 12:51 PM (116 replies)
  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 10:27 PM

    Aww, look who's complaining now... trying to get me banned for merely adjusting my strategy?

    Not whining at all, merely adjusting my strategy.

    That is not a strategy its cheating and/or a cowards way out!



  • CharlemagneRH2
    5 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 10:35 PM


    Aww, look who's complaining now... trying to get me banned for merely adjusting my strategy?

    By the way your stratregy is a cowards way out!


    Sorry, but I'm not going to put myself into a position where I won't be able to win a single tournament ever once pros and amateurs get access to the best equipment.  As I already explained, I would have no problem accepting small penalties and seeing how things go, but 5-8 strokes for 9 holes is unreasonable.

    And somehow, I don't think WGT will have any problems keeping track of what I'm doing.  ;)

  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 10:36 PM

    Just so I read this correct. You are opening a second account and plan on gifting it clubs and balls? And you are announcing it?

    Too funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Sat, Sep 4 2010 10:38 PM

    Just so I read this correct. You are opening a second account and plan on gifting it clubs and balls? And you are announcing it?

    It is not the first time he has announced this!


  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 12:15 AM

    Just so I read this correct. You are opening a second account and plan on gifting it clubs and balls? And you are announcing it?

    Too funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

    I don't think any reasonable person could fault people who are avoiding broken aspects of the game.  If your driver got downgraded by 100 yards, wouldn't you drop it for another driver?  Same thing here.  I am just avoiding something that WGT screwed up, and when I start winning every single RG on my other account (CharlemagneRH2 -- notice the lengths at which I'm going to try to hide what I'm doing,) the problem will become beyond obvious.

  • Pangaea
    242 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 12:49 AM

    So how are you going to stay non-Legend if you're going to win everything you participate in and score -10 or better?

    I see that even after this change the Legends are winning most things, so it can't possibly be as bad as some make out. It probably feels unfair for those who are winning everything (and those behind them), but with the same few players raking in the credits in virtually all events and scoring -15 on average (some at least) I think WGT had to do something.

    I just googled a little trying to dig up what actual Pro golfers tend to score. Apparently Tiger in his best years had a 68 average. One of the best golf players in history. Compare that to the average here. Something is definitely wrong. And something needed to be done.

  • andypat
    453 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 3:36 AM

    [quote user = CharlemagneRH]


    If things stay the way that they are, I don't want to hear you crying when I'm shooting -8 to -11 in KIA RG's on my new account.

    You see, unlike yourself, I have the foresight to predict problems before they actually happen.  I can still make money in RG's right now, but that's not going to last more than a week.


    You my call it foresight and clever but I think you may well find yourself in deep trouble as a multi account holder your breeching wgt policies.

    you think that it only happened to the legend tier, wot about the pro's that got shoved into the master level without a chance to get the proper equipment, ie drivers and irons.

    I wish you luck and on a personnel note if you decide to open a 2nd account I hope wgt ban you for breech of their policies.    


  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 5:35 AM

    To be honest, as I've said in another thread, I'll be glad to see you go. ALL you have done over the last 4 days is moan. WGt fixes something = You find something else to moan about.

    You have been here for 2 MONTHS. I have been here 1 and a half YEARS. You have a quarter of the posts on the forums that I do. To me, you look like a troll. I'm sorry, but you do. And now you have opened a second account, you're a cheat as well.

    Thanks for playing, but not for staying.

  • mekongmarcus
    152 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 6:03 AM

    A couple of observations:

    The legends are still winning all the tounaments so the changes are not so drastic.

    Watching the Deutsche Bank tournament today the averages for the players were around the 70.71 mark with one standard deviation being very small.I am in favour of the field of players being closer together.


    69 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 6:30 AM

    For those who say the new changes are good i say bah humbug...

    last time i checked #9, #10, and #12 at st andrews were and still are reachable par 4's for REAL PGA pro's. with a driver that's max distance is 278 yard this is more than a joke. i think cory paven can hit farther than that. lmao. bring out the real clubs and give us all a fighting chance

    just want to thank WGT for making a site for some to shoot scores like a Phil or Tiger. and now take that away. if i want to shoot -2 or even par i can go play REAL golf.

    take our money and now take our fun away. thanks ALOT.............................