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I'm retiring this account.

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Fri, Jun 3 2011 12:51 PM (116 replies)
  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 6:32 AM


    You get bumped back to the big boy tee's Jeff you may have another opinion!

    I really don't think so, Blue.


     I was one of a bunch that got bumped from amateur to master when they added the pro & master tiers a year or so ago. It was different since we all had junk clubs back then, but it was still a HUGE culture shock ... let alone dumping me into the same category as Tibbs, Lee and a few others.

     Here's  either a good point or a sad fact. I was grinding for a month on Oakmont & St.Andrews for the Virtual Opens.... championship tees and tournament speed greens.

     I managed to qualify at Oak and had several rounds of 63-65.  At STA, although I didn't manage to shoot the 63 it took to qualify, I also shot umpteen rounds of 64-65.

     Flash forward to AFTER going back to normal conditions ... blue tees, very fast greens and guess what? , I have managed to shoot less than those scores on either course exactly TWICE  ( 61 & a 62) .. both on St.Andrews, which everyone knows is an easier course.

     Playing from the black tees, I left myself a LOT of 20-footers for birdie/par .... no different than any other set of tees I play from. IF I'm making putts, I score lower.

     So no .. I know I wouldn't feel any different. And while I might shy away from MPC's and Ready-Go's even more than I do now. I'd love the challenge  and I would enjoy the game just as much .. in spite of the scores.

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 6:55 AM

    I have no intentions of cheating, but instead, I am merely playing the game that WGT has decided to make. 


    I can almost buy into this. For the sake of BETA testing, it would be interesting to know how the game plays out for a player starting at the bottom.

    But your your intentions here are just off. You just simply want to protect and increase your pile of credits. You don't have the interest of the game in mind at all, just yourself.

    Contact WGT and see if there are a set of parameters that they feel will be acceptable. If you are willing to forfeit all of your current credit winnings, and cancel your existing account, there probably isn't a problem in doing so. 

    I do think there should be a complete reset to the game. THIS IS A BETA! But the majority of players aren't going to want to start over (it would be a challenge I'd welcome though - just let us keep the value of our stuff and our current credits)

    I really think if your main concern is being competitive in ready-go's, you are smarter to just stick with being a Legend. It would take probably 6-10 months to Level up to the big sticks. I'd rather be shooting at a green with my 7 iron from 160 with my g10's than to be shooting at the same green from 130 with burners or tour starters. And then have to putt with the spider putter? yeah good luck with that in the Master tier.


    Aside from #10 and #18 being super long, and the added difficulty of the par 3's. Kiawah plays roughly the same to me. Still plenty of birdie holes, and still dead easy to start birdie, birdie, birdie.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 7:51 AM

    To be honest, as I've said in another thread, I'll be glad to see you go. ALL you have done over the last 4 days is moan. WGt fixes something = You find something else to moan about.

    You have been here for 2 MONTHS. I have been here 1 and a half YEARS. You have a quarter of the posts on the forums that I do. To me, you look like a troll. I'm sorry, but you do. And now you have opened a second account, you're a cheat as well.

    Thanks for playing, but not for staying.

    I've never complained about anything prior to this, so I'm afraid you're wrong.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:03 AM

    Contact WGT and see if there are a set of parameters that they feel will be acceptable. If you are willing to forfeit all of your current credit winnings, and cancel your existing account, there probably isn't a problem in doing so.

    Sorry, but I find this to be unreasonable.  I don't think WGT should be allowed to impose penalties on certain groups of players, only to force those players to abandon their accounts and forfeit all of their credits in order to start over.  WGT shouldn't be allowed to say, "Well, give us that $200 (or $500) that you've got in credits, and we'll let you start a new account."

    If they got away with that, this game really would be a scam.  I am of the impression that WGT is above such behavior.

  • Chazzz7
    53 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:03 AM

    Look guys i was bumped up to legend altho i do not play all that well but playing just SA i can't hit a couple fairways if the wid is in my face. Come on in real life if that happened no matter how well you play you have the option of moving to a different set of tees.I understand why they did this but wasn't the course already tough enough?  If i can't reach fairways what do i do?

  • Pangaea
    242 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:12 AM

    See he's already gotten in 4 sandbagging rounds. Impressive stuff for a guy that complained you could shoot -5 or better with starter clubs on 9 holes...

    You got several top-level finishes in the last RGs you played, so why so upset? Would a "Win 550 credits" button be better?

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:16 AM

    WGT shouldn't be allowed to say, "Well, give us that $200 (or $500) that you've got in credits, and we'll let you start a new account."

     cell phone companies have been doing it for years! 

     Have to say your plan is a sound one , if they let you get away with it. Considering I dont play for credits, it would only cause me grief so I doubt I will join you,  I was having fun with this game,  I am old and was never very good at the real game,  here I get "good" not great  not even close,   but  good and wham  I am a freakin legend?!?! plz I am master at best in the new system not even tour master if ya ask me.  I cant figure out the greens or maybe I would be , now with tournement green speed every freakin round,  crazy.

  • Chazzz7
    53 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:26 AM

    If we have to play from this length at least we should be able to buy a driver that allows us to get to the fairway.

  • jasondement
    322 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:26 AM

    If charle gets away with this I would also like to start a new account. Not for playing purposes I just want a cool name like tbaguonthegreen or gopherdahole anything other than my boring ole name i live with in rl. you can even keep my creds. I need some name ideas for this endeavor since its as simple as announcing you will retire an account and start a new one. Maybe KINGOFKIAWAH is a good one for you charle. Cmon man you know better than this. If they allow you to do this there will be a rash of new accounts for a multitude of reasons. But hey look at the pro shop revenue WGT will reap from such a thing. If you are half as good as you said you were a few weeks ago why would you need to start over. I don't see Icon starting over and you said you had advantage over him. Really I dont understand why someone who has the skills you say you do would even think of starting over. JMO though Jason

  • Chazzz7
    53 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2010 8:34 AM

    The problem is there are always gonna be guys who are better than the majority,so the answer is don't spend your money on tournament if you feel you can't compete.