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So dear friends...

Thu, Dec 15 2022 5:08 PM (148 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 12:12 AM

    A truly refreshing outlook on life, that hopefully will still be a long one far beyond your 30 and a bit years, not just for your sake but for those who are around you - I am sure your outlook also motivates and encourages them.

    When I was 12 my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and was given 4 months to live. Her view was not unlike yours and cherished every moment no matter how trivial it may have seemed. As a twelve year old it was hard to comprehend, but ironically her philosophy was ingrained in me, and usually I try to see the good in everything. Never can I recall her complaining about anything.

    The good news was my mother defied all the odds and lived into my 20s, saw me grow up, mature and get a career, of which I know she was proud. I was actually in  London when I got the call of her passing, but deep down knew she would make the most of whatever actually comes next. 

    I wish you the best Lizzie, there are not enough people like you in the world.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 1:58 AM

    Wow...we've touched forum post before, but this has touched me so greatly.


    I've nothing to say Liz, and you'd think  after10K post I would;)




  • ScottHope
    10,308 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 2:14 AM

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 2:20 AM

    God bless you Lizzie, thoughts and prayers go with you!!

    Reading here some of the reply's and i'm welling up a bit!!


  • mar101
    70 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 4:22 AM

    I've never played with you Lizzie, but I've always been drawn to your Forum posts.Your latest post brings to mind the saying "only the good die young".

    May you find strength and serenity, you funny, intelligent, brave girl.

    Maria xx

  • Madmoser
    392 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 8:01 AM

    Stay strong and remember jesus is always with you


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 9:24 AM

    cry freely at beautiful things.


    I did, I cried when I read this. You are wonderful.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 10:47 AM


    Knowing you has been a joy!  With you I've been amazed, I've been in awe,  I've learned, I've wondered, I've laughed (alot) and now I've cried.

    Be strong, stay with us, don't give up Lizzie!  You are in my prayers, as is your family.

    Your illness may take you away from us but it wlll never take away my memories, respect, and love of you.  I promise.


    P.S. Scratch Boo's ears and give him a good belly rub for me.

  • dandycap
    1,824 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 12:03 PM

    Dear God;    Please help Lizzie.  Please take her pain away.  Please heal her so that she can continue to be the generous and loving person, I believe, she is.  I hope YOU don't mind that I continue to request this favor again.  Amen

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 1:14 PM

    Watched this thread a while.  I guess many of us have seen some good people taken away too soon.  There simply is no justice.

    I don't know you.  You are still so very young. An incredible post.

    My best.
