x1524807: seems as though you have said once before, twice before and three times before
The same applies to you, dear lady. And, what good does it do to say something once, if your suggestions always get lost in the incredible clutter here in the forums?
(Like I said, to reduce the awful redundancy regarding the quitters topic, we need 1 central forum thread to deal with them; then it won't be necessary to say anything twice, but I'd simply be able to refer to an earlier post of mine in the same thread. As it is, your own suggestions on how to deal with quitters may be dispersed in 25 various threads in every imaginable forum subsection, which results in chaos instead of a reasonable discussion of this critical issue.
WGT forums will never become a useful tool for WGT developers, until the forum management starts merging threads on identical issues into single-topic, centralized threads on a daily basis.
Also, moving threads to the correct subsection on a daily basis; our current quitters thread right here has no business to be placed in the Community Introductions subsection; I believe its rightful location would be the WGT Beta subsection. Every WGT moderator so far has neglected the thread merge and/or move duties, although that's really an everyday task to be performed in any forum. Here's hoping the new guy WGTSky and anyone helping him will improve things in this regard!)