i have never seen such a damn bunch of quitters in my life as on this golf websites. As for all the petty bitching about # of courses changes in what is tourney speed on one course versus another that is what golf is about. i don't *** cuz i'm here to have fun as are 95% of the people i have had the pleasure to play with.
The last two rounds I've played I was mocked (yea, I wasn't having a good round) and the second round an Italian gentleman was ridiculed as a "foreigner". I know golf to be a noble sport. Golf courses aren't set up behind trailer parks. I fear, however, that we have our share of "trailer trash" playing golf, without a clue what it means to treat others with respect. Join me in challenging it when you encounter it on this site- This is a safe haven that shouldn't be polluted by oafs and thugs.
I bellieve it was Snaike who first recommended
World Golf Tour Ladder
System to me when I complained about quitters here on WGT over a year ago. SInce then I've played over 800 rounds and I've been intentionally quit on fewer than 5 times.
Though the site I recommend has, of late, been infiltrated by the "oafs and thugs" of whom you speak, mostly as a result of recent cheating and the latest upgrade debacle, WGTLS has for the most part been a site where I can go to enjoy a round of virtual golf without fear of being embarrassed by my choice of fellow competitor - either by what he says or does.
Sadly, with the latest update and the recent cheating scandal, the resulting furor in the forums here and at WGTLS have become haunts for thoughtess "trailer trash" rants. Also, there are more reports of quitters. Though it takes a lot for me to make negative public remarks about a fellow competitor, it is encouraged at WGTLS. When you have a disrespectful golfing experience, either verbal or having been deserted, you will be expected to name names, thereby improving the odds that the next person will not have a similar experience.
Nonetheless,...the likelihood of hooking up for a pleasant round is still quite high. You can expect some of what the "youts" call "chit" - that which we who are more experienced would call "friendly banter." I wish I could promise you will always be treated respectfully on WGTLS, but I will promise the management will be there to assist with difficulties.
To your future WGT enjoyment. Looking forward to enjoyable rounds.