Hope you're only kidding, Ed, by calling slander "guidance". Remember that the person above has called the Ladders site owner Mark Holliday "a spineless git" numerous times, most recently in his Status field, no less.
That is the thanks for the dozens of hours of unpaid volunteer work spent by Mark Holliday to create the largest WGT players' community site, and for running his home server as a free service for WGT golfers who wish to avoid quitters. And they do, thanks to WGTLS; it's a lot more fun than the rather limited (and "closed-to-outsiders") environment of a WGT.com country club; also, WGTLS offers a lot more features (tournament formats, etc.) than country clubs do.
Abuse report was emailed to WGT.com yesterday, and we are eagerly awaiting for WGTsky to put a halt to this abuse of WGT.com communication facilities for persistent, daily slander of fellow WGT.com customers. Why would WGT.com publish any TOS at all, if someone is allowed to abuse them blatantly every single day to launch personal attacks against other WGT.com users and customers?
The user "Snaike" was banned from WGTLS for grossly abusing the discussion forums there, and his ban from WGT.com should be imminent as well, based on his recent conduct here: in the forums, Wall posts, blog posts, and now even in his Status field. Blatant violation of WGT.com's TOS in all those media.
(Of course his friends AdamTurner, Vgolfmaster and Richard will try and defend him here, personally attacking selfless WGTLS volunteers in the process, but that really should not affect WGTsky in any way in taking an unbiased decision as to how to stop this person's persistent, blatant personal abuse.)