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Tue, Apr 15 2014 11:54 PM (61 replies)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 11:35 PM


    Maybe when you hit your ball in the water, weeds, etc. they could give you a buy back option, say 25% of the original cost, so when you lose a ball that you have barely hit you can get it back. Nothing worse than losing a ball that has been hit only a few times!

    Well, here I'd have to dsagree, Mookel. Hitting a ball into the water is usually a lost ball in real golf. It's that "Ball taken out of play" after only something like 36 or 54 holes that strikes me as an outright gouge. There's only one justification for it -- for WGT to sell more code snips we call golf balls. Once a golf ball is coded, there is no overhead on it. They aren't buying Nike RZR balls wholesale and selling them to us retail. It's code snip, and in some cases it's several years old.

    If I hit a ball OB or in the drink, it's probably my own damned fault (except for meter balks and leaps that cost me most of mine). But it should be my decision on when to retire a golf ball, NOT WGT's. Now, if they were to tweak that golf ball code snip to GRADUALLY start losing resilience, distance, spin, etc., like real golf balls do with use, that'd be different. But if I pay $6 for a sleeve of balls, I should be allowed to play them until they're dead as a Top Rock.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 11:39 PM
    Can I assume that you'd rather pay a certain cash amount to play each round?
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Mar 29 2014 12:30 AM

    It was the WGT faithful (or shills) who took offense that anyone should dare to express a complaint about and to WGT.

    You keep getting it wrong.  Disagreeing with you does not make people shills..OK to you perhaps.  No need for the name calling either just because people think you are barking at the moon.

    And all the more reason to wonder how many are actually WGT staff posting as players, like Judas goats.

    depends which version you go by, but love a conspiracy theory.  Better than facing the possibility people just disagree.

    But it really wouldn't take much of a "campaign" in the various social media to start a buzz that may resonate back to WGT and cause some alarm.

    Can't wait for you to prove that.  Will be the first point with any substance if you do.  As yet we still have no substance.


    They really have no parallel competition to jostle against. 

    No chit Sherlock:)


  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sat, Mar 29 2014 9:35 PM

    "Will be the first point with any substance if you do.  As yet we still have no substance."

    And what "substance" have you provided for grist, Jimbog? The title of this forum is "Product Suggestions" and the title of this thread is "Longer Ball Life." Suggesting to WGT that 2.5 longevity for an expensive code snip (ball) is a gouge and that expensive balls need to have a LONGER BALL LIFE is a legitimate observation.

    Why do you offer nothing of substance in the way of justification (in proxy defense of WGT) for the present scheme of things and instead whine that one should have frisked WGT's financials to prove gross profit-taking before howling about it? If you're not a WGT shill, you've missed your calling.

    Again, I contend that: a) 2.5 ball life for any ball costing over 500 credits per sleeve is unfairly too short; and b) that "Ball taken out of play" has no "real golf" parallel, other than the prospect of the pro shop manager patrolling the golf course nabbing up balls that have only seen 36-54 holes of play, and then inviting you to drop by the shop and buy some more. I realize that Brits are more gentile than we Yanks, some might say tolerant to a fault, but over here we would simply shoot the sumbitch as a thief. 

    But filing under lessons learned -- the WGT forum titled Product Suggestions > LONGER BALL LIFE is no place to rally support for a player-advantage concession from WGT. With a rare few exceptions, all I've seen is a circling of the wagons to defend WGT, and snide defenses most have been. I'll disturb the cote no more with it. Bleat on.

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Sat, Mar 29 2014 10:08 PM


    Don't know if anyone has ever posted this idea, but how about a ball retriever pole you can

    purchase in the pro shop. You buy a one time pole and it increases the life of your balls by a

    certain percentage. I know the many golfers out there would appreciate one and maybe

    make the game a little more affordable to a lot.



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Mar 29 2014 11:23 PM



    And what "substance" have you provided for grist, Jimbog?

    Usually I am the ideas man, no substance at all:)

    In this case the roles are reversed, It's your crusade and your conclusions.  I have all the substance I need by freely admitting I do not know the inner machination's of WGTs costings v profits, but you purport to very knowledgeable.  Of course I would like balls cheaper, but I deal in facts as everyone is trying to point you to.  You have blinkers on trying to make something fit that is entirely guess work on your behalf.  Lots of name calling but not one fact, infact not even a FB entry:)

    some might say tolerant to a fault, but over here we would simply shoot the sumbitch as a thief. 

    FYI  they are still doing business. One thing right for a change would be good, but as you have no clue start just being silly again.... 

    Nothing you have said is based on anything, but what you would like it to be.  That's not being rude just watching you assume this that and other, no way of knowing.  Burden of proof up to any half reasonable standard based assumption.  

    Suggesting you would like to be charged less is fine.  Assuming you know about their business, and what cross costs are involved etc shows incredible naivety, at very best, as to how any multi faceted business might run.

    I too would like cheaper balls, but I don't pretend to know WGTs business holistically enough to guess what overall margins are (that means not just balls).  If people them disagree with you they get called names, and supporters of WGT.  Again all just your groundless conclusions, based on what you would like things to be without any demnstrated knowledge of the subject.  I left aside whether WGT feel embarrassed about their profits / our choices....answers obvious so no prizes there!

    I wish them well but same as any consumer of any product am never against competition.  Why not set one up that competition as you are so expert on all this.  Might be better for you than some glorious social media campaign (still waiting for that link btw).  You would make a killing a killing surely.  But you are not an expert, you just assume and call names if people disagree with your conclusions. 

    Bleat on.

    And that about sums up the substance so far.  No clue but name calling makes you right in your mind only looking at this thread.

    BTW again how is the FB campaign going? Your finger on the pulse of the business community looking any closer to what you want there, than the blank you drawn here?  Or like the rest of the hot air does not exist, and not going to exist ???

    Not good enough - sorry


  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Wed, Apr 2 2014 4:34 AM

    Hey airpirate..........................................blow it out your @$$ lmao you , now go tell mommy that i said that to you. My 3 year old nephew has more self-control with his mouth then you do oh yeah i almost forgot

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 10:24 PM

    Dark alley, NOW. dickwad!

    I'd call you juvenile, but that'd be an unearned upgrade for a mental midget the likes of you.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 10:38 PM


    Dark alley, NOW. dickwad!

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Apr 6 2014 10:42 PM

    Ugliest troll in WGT forums. And that's going some.