Mr. YankeeAirPirate, please excuse me for asking this, I mean no offense. The vitriol you display in your posts makes it seem obvious that you aren't a fan of WGT as a company. <snip>
No doubt as a function of dialing in late to this thread, GregSteed, you misinterpret my vitiol as being directed toward WGT. Granted, I hopped into this thread, subject title "Longer Ball Life," with an observatio and complaint that expensive (over $5) golf balls should not enjoy the same feeble life span of 2.5 as do most $2 balls. It was the WGT faithful (or shills) who took offense that anyone should dare to express a complaint about and to WGT. Most of my vitriol has been in counter to some rather rude sycophants who's idea of custome relations would seem to be "BOHICA" (bend over, here it comes again).
So, YankeeAIrPirate - why in the world do you continue to play here? <snip>
I continue to play here becausse there is no other golf game on the Internet that even comes close to WGT. What I find not so amusing is the sheep-like "Well, that's just the way it is" attitude of [supposed] fellow golfers who may agree that 2.5 is a desperately short lifespan for an expensive golf ball, or that "Ball taken out of play" is a WGT gouge that has no parallel in real golf (other than the pro shop manager stealing out of your ball pouch, and inviting you to drop by and buy another expensive sleeve of balls).
It just makes me itch to witness so many people who apparently live under the iron fist of a dictator somewhere, who blanch at the very notion of raising a complaint about Dear Leader. I continue to play here because I like the game play, but that doesn't insulate WGT as a business from considering customer satisfaction. Not too sorry if that offends anyone.
I can't imagine what there is to be gained by continuing to participate in the scam, as it were, if my eyes were wide open to it. You sound extremely confident and justified in your righteous indignation - you should take your own advice and begin your campaign across social media. Given how pervasive the problems you've detailed are, I'm sure you could find compatriots willing to stand along with you, once you've laid the initial foundation. I have no doubt it's a daunting task. No more daunting, however, then swallowing your pride and ignoring the ignoble treatment by WGT day after day after day, all while continuing to play a part in seeing to it that their coffers grow in value by the hour.
I am confident and justified in my righteous indignation, but while I call some aspects of the business model (game play features, like golf balls that simply "expire.") a gouge, that doesn't mean I'm in favor of taking down WGT. And THAT is the puzzling thing to me when so many in this thread seem to take extreme umbrage that a customer should dare express a complaint or negative opinion.
As a business owner, you're damn straight I understand customer satisfaction and service. How do you think most businesses set their price points on goods and services? It's what the market will bear and backing it down when sales dip and the howl of the masses reaches critical mass. That's not anything personal, that's business. And as a point, "what the market will bear" is not much of a factor at WGT. They really have no parallel competition to jostle against. And therein may lie the rub.
Again, I mean no offense by this. As I noted, I'm not a regular visitor of these main forums. Needless to say, I was a little surprised to see such damning words about WGT being posted by someone who continues to play this game daily. I'm perplexed as to if this was a momentary lapse in patience & WGT has reconciled your concerns or if you're planning your social media campaign quietly on the side (nevermind the public posts here) so that you may launch it from within the belly of the machine.
You mistake me for an activist, which I'm not. But it really wouldn't take much of a "campaign" in the various social media to start a buzz that may resonate back to WGT and cause some alarm. Maybe enough alarm to bump expensive ball life up to 4.0 or better. If that happens, you're welcome (I blush).
Regardless, hopefully you find some satisfaction in your quest, as this game certainly isn't providing any. Once this mountain is conquered, maybe you could tackle your local NFL franchise for charging exorbitant ticket prices & then blaming it on the salaries that players demand (hint: the shared TV money covers the payrolls of every team - also, college team charge exorbitant prices as well & their players are "unpaid," relatively speaking...just a a thought, a starting point just in case your next campaign versus the windmills is a little slow getting off the ground!).