Let's reiterate.
What is needed is a "World Rank" system by tier to give a truer comparison of player's abilities versus the courses.
For example, your rank would be weighted from your position from ranked rounds average (ranked play and unlimited tournaments) and where you finished in free single play tournaments..
Penalties would be put on for not finishing a single play tournament or not playing a tournament,
Your single best round on each available WGT play option would be used for your ranked average, thus your position in the average ranking..
Multi-player games would not be a part of any average or ranking. MP is a community fun round, and should mean nothing in the ranking.
When AvatarLee plays Parker this fall will Parker's score be part of his tour average? So let's leave MP out of any equation. This would also reduce bail outs greatly.
There would have to be a suitable time limit on play to earn a rank. For example, rankings would be tabulated once a week, and a final ranking at the end of the month when everything is in, where as listings could be posted as they are now, immediately, for each of the criteria, ranked average and tournaments standing.
As far as stats, I didn't even know all those stats were there until a week ago. But once a ranking system is in place it would be wise to reset them.
Awards, I suggest to leave alone until this site is out of beta. These are more for the individual than the community.
If a truer comparison system of player vs. all of WGT's options is not employed, then as I stated earlier resetting would really mean nothing.
All of you, I'm sure, can add to this with your young creative minds, let's see if we can help WGT along and give them solid suggestions on how to actually develop a "World Ranking".