This problem just started to occur for me yesterday (and again today). Have to believe that it will end at some point as these sorts of issues have occurred in the past and they are always temporary issues.
As to your question of "where does that revenue go"............I'm not at all sure what you are referring to here. WGT gets paid by Live Gamer to display these 5 VIEW ads to the WGT community that last 1 to 3 minutes each. So WGT gets paid REGARDLESS of whether or not the WGT customers get "rewarded" with their five "views" for watching the Live Gamer ads.
WGT could not care less about this issue. This is a Live Gamer issue. I've send Live Gamer two messages about this (yesterday and again today). Simply click on the question mark on the bottom right and then click on CONTACT.
I'm not sure Live Gamer gives a rip about this issue - but I only try once any more and if I don't get the five views I quit for the day - or try again later in the day - but again only one time. So the amount of view ads being watched per day (by me at least) has gone WAY down.
So now the question arises, if thousands of peeps are completing offers and not getting their just reward, where does that revenue go? I've never been awarded credits past due by Live Gamer, so I'm assuming they just keep whatever credits are earned and not properly disbursed. A real honest way to run a business, but it probably should be expected from this type of scam business anyway.